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Nonononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono x


As if I can't marry my baby, Ed.. Of course I can! x

imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen imogen stop x

y is it funny

Rebecca Bush
cos you come on my profile ting and say "do i know you" and i say "i dnt know do you know me" and you said "no" so thats funny cos you asked me do you know me and when i asked you did you know me you said no so it was just funny dont you understand rebecca bush dont you

I only chose it so I don't have to do ICT:P x

is ict really that bad haha?:p i hate french and langues though otherwise I would have it!x

Because I'm special and I picked to do the English Baccalaureate, so I don't do it;) x

Our school doesn't really do that, they don't think its needed:p x

It was good.. I had P.E, Maths, Art and English.. How was your day? x

It was okay, I had ICT, ICT, Business, Business, Business, ICT. Great right?x

aw haha not really but thankyou gorgeous, if you dont mind me asking.. where abouts are you from? xx

manchester petal wby and you should send me your ask ahhhhhh x

i know, it's

hahahah aw well thank you! you should send me your profile link so i can state a fact on your as well ;D

You serious? Compared to year 11's in my school you look like a year 10 x

are they mean in your school:( I don't know any positives of looking young wah:( x

&whats your background picture about?x

it was my twitter background for a while and idk it appealed to me i found it on a website called dollicrave yah

I am.. You look younger but in a good way:) x

I suppose I look my age in person:p I would hope anyway;p you look about 14x

Yep.. You just put my answer on Twitter, why don't you? -_- x

I thought it was funny and it's like my first time on here silly billy x

What's happened to your mum?

nothing but I have a really bad relationship with her and then when I think "omg what if she died" i just feel really bad and emotional cos I feel like I haven't had many good memories or anything with her. I think everyone gets sad when they think about loosing their mum, but cos I'm not close with her and I want to be, I get even sadder. Just me being weird;p

last time you cried...

Hmm, whenever I think of my mum dieing I always cry especially if im on my own at night aha, but i always cry at home really randomly for silly things like silly videos i always find myself watching about animal abuse and stuff


Language: English