
Mackenzie Hone

Ask @mackenzie_hone

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I'm glad to hear:) do both your parents approve? How about hers?

my mom does, my dad doesnt know. both hers know and are okay with it :)

Would you ever leave a girl for a guy or vice versa? Or like are you more into one?

i dont really know at this point. im in like the perfect realtionship with sydney right now though.

That's so cool:) I'm not sure how it works or if this is how u say it but what got you into girls?

lol well i dont exactly know ive just realized whenever i liked a girl, its the exact same as liking a boy, just with a girl

you don't actually. I just wanted to let you know there's always people out there supporting you, even if they don't know you

ohh. thank you!:)

hey I'm pansexual and i just wanted to say I'm super glad to see you taking pride in your own sexuality. You and your girlfriend are absolutely lovely, keep doing you & stay strong. All the best💘

awh thank you! means so much, who is this?

Can you help that you like the opposite gender? Nope so mack can't help that she's attracted to both girls and boys so stfu you're opinion isn't wanted. She can like whoever she wants and it's perfectly fine so she shouldn't be judge for that 💕

thank youu! :) who is this tho?

hey anon why don't you shut the fuck up. it's doesn't matter if you 'approve' of mack's sexually. do you really think it matters? as long as she's happy who cares. she didn't wake up one day & was like "I think I'm going to like girls" dumbass. pls just leave her alone. thanks :)) ❤️🖕🏼

thanks peaches💕 love you❤️

ya it's ur choice

no its not.. how do i chose what i do and dont like... i dont chose, i just happen to be bi, i dont chose whether i like girl or boys, in my case i happen to like both

I support ur choice to be bi

my sexuality isnt my choice. i dont chose whether im gay, straight, bi, pan, a, like really.. this is the kind of sht that bugs me im sorry but its not a choice

u seemed sad and u said ppl kept asking about what happened to u and Sydney so I was confused

no one asked me what happened to me and sydney? nothing has happened between us..

Shark diving, bungee jumping, or sky diving?

not sky diving or bungee jumping forsure. id probably shit muself, so shark diving 😁

okay to the person who is legit harassing Mack: honestly I have ask just flipping ask me instead of going through Mack?

there you go anon. ask her if you need to know. but thanks t💓 theyre annoying

but..you said she is lesbian..and on her Twitter she said she's bi...

when tf did i say she was lesbian? and if you rly wanna fking know why dont you ask her, or text or or text me, like rly

the reason I'm asking is cause u said she was a lesbian... would she go with a guy to semi?

i never said she was lesbian? and idk why dont you ask her text me pls

oh.. I thought u would kno cause you're close..?

we arent rly close anymore. just text me tbh itll be easier to talk..

I don't have ur number tho, just tell me yes or no she's going with a girl

idk we didnt even talk in french... none of them actually really talk to me anymore tbh..

I heard ur friend (idk her name) is going to semi w/ a girl ? or is wheeling a girl or something.....

who? i cant say anything... idk who ur talking about soo


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