
Macy Gaines

Ask @macymaurenee

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What guys are u close to besides ur boyfriend? Does he get jealous over them?

Justyn Thornburg and Derek Rittenhouse. Those are my best friends.
And no! They're his best friends too :)
Liked by: Princess Kaylie

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What do you think people think of you?

She's loud, little, temperamental, and has really big curly hair.
A.K.A a lot to handle!

What is so great about Jacquie

Jax is the most upfront friend I have. She is always honest with me and isn't afraid to tell me how she feels. She handles me really well too. She is just understanding and if there is a problem, she will just tell me. And she gets my sense of humor and can joke with me. She is always there for me, through thick and thin and ALWAYS has my back and supports me.
But probably the greatest thing is she is like family. She can literally walk into my home and no one would look twice. She has her own key made and she is like my moms other daughter.
We may be like oil and vinegar but I've never had a greater or more true friend.

Sum up your relationship in one picture

This really doesn't sum it up but what was going on does. Wyatt was gonna be late for his game and was yelling at me to come give him a kiss, but I had just taken off my belt because I was gonna change pants so I was holding up my pants in the picture lol. Pretty much we are demanding, lovin, and weird :)

What's it like being with Wyatt?

It's really easy lol. We are opposites in a lot of ways but in the important stuff we are quite similar. We deal with eachothers shit fairly, even though he puts up with a ton more of mine than I do of his. He's super loving and understanding so it makes things really really easy :)

How was your birthday? What did you get?

It was great! I worked! But I had a great weekend for it! I got a lot of stuff! Lol

Are you and Jaquie actually best friends? Cause everyone says their your best friend and she is one of them and you don't seem to spend a lot of time together

Jacquie and I are extremely close. We are true best friends because we don't have to be attached at the hip to hold a friendship. We could not talk for 2 weeks and we could still pick it up like nothing happened. We have just genuinely care for eachother.
Liked by: Jacquie Marois

Do you spend too much time on smart phone playing ‘stupid games’?

Don't have a single game on my phone. Social media is enough haha

what about your other lil brother? I think you guys are all too cute :) and I'm glad you have that sibling love! it really is the best and you're a great sister!

Seth! Seth is my twin! Literally our personalities and our looks are to a tee! We butt heads because we are so alike but I'm just as protective of him! But thank you so much. I'm such a proud big sister so this means so much to me!

Macy :) truth is you're my favorite senior even though we aren't really close! You're so gorgeous it's insane, and you seem like you're hella fun. Hopefully we can hang out sometime!

Liked by: Sierra


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