

Ask @maddie_1519

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If you had lots of money what would you do with it?

find a way to meet Austin Carlile and buy more vans

Honest opinion? Well I don't really know you but i guess you seem nice haha. And woah your really pretty ..

Awe thanks haha
Liked by: lils

If you were given a time machine to travel backwards in time, what are the three mistakes that you would want to rectify?

I don't have 3, but I would go back and never meet my ex. I would make sure I didn't walk home that day and meet him at the band stage and continue talking to him. I wouldn't have wasted the last year and a half then

List of your best friends?

I don't have much friends or true ones, but uh,
And a few others I'm not close with

What's your opinion on same gender relationships

I don't care. Like who you like, it doesn't bother me. Just don't be doing things in front of me. And wait until you're older, if you're in 6th grade, you have no idea who you like.

What was the last time you were angry? What happened?

Yesterday. I hate that I'm there for people in times of need and they blow me off. When I've been friends longer with them than others and I get no acknowledge whatsoever.

HO; well I havent talked to you much before but we hung out this weekend & It was fun hehe but you are seriously flawless! & you are soo strong honestly. I am always here if you wanna talk too!

kaitlyn henderson
Yes it was fun! We should do it again(: awe thanks but I'm really not, that's you! Thanksss, I'm here if you ever need someone too❤

Ho; I miss you and I'm glad we're hanging again and we should hangout soon with the twins again and I'm always here for you no matter what. So just keep your head up mads❤️

Abby Wentz
Yes we should, it was fun, even though we all suck at eggs and everything else:p but I'll try❤

What is your favorite way of wasting time?

This weekend tho❤️ literally the definition of perfect. Realized I don't need the same guy to make me happy, been talking to someone I never thought possible, and just overall fun with my friends❤️


Language: English