
Maddie Hall

Ask @maddiehall05

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R u ugly: haven't seen u in real life R u cute: ^ Would I date u: ^ Do I like u: ^ Rate: 8.7 Did I lie on 1: nopeee

Aha Ty❤️

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Thoughts on the hole emily s thing

I feel like she is trying to compete with me! Everything I do she has to do better! Like I honestly have like no confidence in myself anymore but whatever I will get over it soon enough

If you could talk with only one person for the rest of your life, who would it be?

Someone I love probably

Thoughts on fuckboys?

They honestly need to snap back into reality! They think they can go around playing girls and getting nudes and then drop them! I had an experience with one and I 100% regret everything! I asked him if we could just stay friends bc he was pressuring me and rushing me to Mack him yet he was technically 2 years older than me then he flipped bc he didn't have me anymore! They need to stop screwing over girls wherever they go! Girls stay strong don't fall for them! All there gunna do is Mack you, get your nudes and screw you over
Liked by: liiz Zee Emma JR

Happy late birthday or yeah 😂 srry for not coming 😔 ill come over the summer with candy😋 and then jump in ur pool 😂

Ok lol
Liked by: Emma

tbh you think youre so cool and amazing and old and mature and stuff but youre not:) i dont like you much tbh lmao but you dont like me either so whatevs

Ahahahha ty
Liked by: Emma

I heard you hate her because she likes or liked the same person as you

That's gay that's not why I hate her
Liked by: Emma

And I agree with Emma u r pretty smart and basically have all the characteristics anyone would want ❤️

Awww Ty but so so so not true

I know I don't know u all that well and we met like once but don't listen to that girl cuz obviously she has no life bc she is saying shit to u and Emily or whatever ur name is leave Maddie alone bc your making life harder then it is for her, being a bitch doesn't help anyone so get off her ask

Awwwww tysmmmm❤️❤️❤️ hmu sometime

Than you like jake

There were many people I didn't see today! Just bc the person was at school doesn't mean I saw them! Ya Jake wasn't at school so I didn't see him but I didn't see a couple of people
Liked by: Emma

Tbh, we used to be like best friends and your super pretty but we should talk more text me, rate:bms😍❤️

Aha yea ty❤️❤️

Why do people think just because someone say something on anon they scared and can't say it to there face we all just prefer not to hurt that persons feelings and keep a awkward distance between ourselfs nothing close to being scared trust me

Really then say it to my face


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