
Madelynn Fender

Ask @maddybender

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What gift has someone given you lately?

For Chirstmas my mom gave me my very first lockit and I love it (Im 21 so its a little sad how happy I was to get it)

Post a pic of you on New Year's Eve!

I did not do any thing on new years eve that requiered me to take a pic of my shelf

What does the life you want to live look like?

I would be married to thr guy friend I am in love with( he does not know I'm in love with him) and we would have at least one kid and some pets of vaireas speces

What YouTube video made you laugh recently?

I rewatched the latest Outside the comfort zone podcast and laughed so hard I cried

What is the first thing you notice in a person of the opposite sex?

If they are nice and not a drug addict ( its hard to find someobe who is not on drugs in the town I live in)

If you were to give someone a tour of your hometown, where would you take them first?

I would take them to the middle of town and point to were everything is because my home town is so small


Language: English