

Ask @madeebabee

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Tbh/ You're super fun to talk to and whenever I get to have a quick conversation with you it's always fun. I hope we get to talk more often again. I hope life is going well.

snapchat me sometime (-:
Liked by: Natasha Hurst

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madee is DEFIANTLY not taking a turn for the worst Anya, if you know her at all you would know that she is actually doing very very well.

Thank you!
Liked by: Casey Baldwin

Tbh: Madee, I don't get why you liked this. You and Ty were a couple, and I don't get why you thought it would last as a long term relationship. I have protect my brother as he protects me. Now you have taken a turn for the worse but that is your decision it's your life and I hope you are happy.

Woah chica.. Everything that happened with Ty was a year ago.. That's been over for a while sweetheart. I get you guys are close but he wasn't the one who got hurt, I was. And I have not taken a turn for the worst, I've actually been doing really well lately. I'm not trying to please anyone but myself. And I am very happy.

Just wanna say you're absolutely GORGEOUS inside and out!❤️ I wish more girls could be like you! If you're ever told differently don't listen! Just know, your actions are being noticed!❤️❤️ keep it up beautiful! (:

This is honestly so sweet (: thank you so much for you're amazingly kind words. It means a lot.

Can you name those freshman that are so rad

ANYA. I love Anya Blount. And Gretta Kramer! And Trevor Johnson and Drew Heaps and David Christal! Woohoo so many rad freshman and so many more that I'll meet yay
Liked by: Morgan Margulies

How do you feel about freshman

Well since I'm officially an upperclassman now, I can make fun of freshmen without someone saying "Weren't you just a freshman last year?" So that's nice. But I actually know a few incoming freshmen and they are SO rad!

me :)

Emma Lehmberg
Emma you're perfect! You're an amazing dancer and have improved immensely the past year. I'm sooo glad that I've gotten to experience my years in the dance program with you and I'm excited for next year as well! You're so sweet and so funny and I'll see you in about 30 minuets (;
Liked by: Emma Lehmberg


Megan! You're adorable! You're gonna have so much fun in highschool next year!! Try not to be too much of a heart breaker though (;

Chris Bow

Such a sweet guy! He's really smart and I think has a lot going for him! He's been through some tough shit and is do strong because of it! I miss talking to him..
Liked by: Chris Bow

Truth is, holy cow. You are my best friend and I love you. I know I can be myself around you and you're always just as weird as I am. You are an amazing person whom I cannot wait to watch become a elementary school teacher and do big things with your life. You seem to always be there for me even whe

Kimberly Martin
I love youuuu bby!!! <3 you my favorite!

I saw the story about your friend Cory, I can't imagine how that felt but I can get a pretty good idea.. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that, but its not your fault, not at all. He's happier now and you should be too(: if you ever need anything just shoot me a message/text!

Isabella Rose Johnson
Aww thank you so much Isabella! Yeah it was hard, a certain things still remind me of it.. But thank you! I hope you're doing good! (:

I'm so sorry love ❤ it's not your fault. He's out of pain now. Don't beat yourself up about it. He was fighting his demons... And there's nothing anyone could've done to save him from himself. I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm here for you if you ever need to talk❤ keep your head up

Thank you Dani ❤️
Liked by: Morgan Fries

Who is Cory?

Cory Newman, he lived in Washington. I met him through Instagram and Tumblr, we used to text constantly and talked on the phone and I skyped him all the time. He was a very sad person though. His life wasn't perfect. He had severe depression and his anxiety was crazy.. He struggled with anorexia and abuse and things got to him so easily.. I haven't talked to him in about a month for some reason.. I don't know why. Last night I turned on my old phone that I had before I got an iPhone to deactivate it and I had received a bunch of text messages from him, requesting me to call him and that he really needed to talk to me and that he needed my help. I didn't know when he sent those so I called him on my current phone. His mom answered. When I told her who it was and asked for him, she started crying. Cory had committed suicide on Monday night.
He's gone. He left me. He promised he'd never do that. If I would have just called him a few days sooner this wouldn't have happened.. He always said I new exactly what to say to help him out. It's not fair. I just want him back..

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