

Ask @madelynmoravek14

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Why do pretend you like Ines you shit talk her all the time and you tried to break her and Justin up

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA when? Okay first ines has been nothing except sweet and caring to me so I have nothing against her and second I don't talk to Justin, I don't particularly see Justin I don't like Justin that way anymore and third I think that they're meant to be together Idc if it sound cheesy or whatever but they're like soul mates or some shit. I wouldn't try to break that up for the life of me because ines is my friend and ig Justin you could say that but idk if we are or not but oh well getting back on topic I would never try to push my way and break apart into something as strong as their relationship. Ines or Justin if you're reading this anons will try and keep doing this because they're jealous of what you guys have. They just wanna see it fall. So for all the rude anons out there go fuck yourself because you're disrespectful and rude.

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Liked by: Taylor Law

Tbh: Madelyn I miss you so much I miss the team like crazy your girls were my family always will be you are gorgeous inside and out and I will always be here for you no matter what happens you can always make me laugh or smile no matter my mood u are confident in yourself and It makes me jealous ...


omg...leave her alone she doesn't deserve this shit... SHE ISN'T CHUBBY AT ALL!!! She is perfect in so many people's eyes except yours because your either jealous or have a low self esteem. She is gorgeous and doesn't deserve your bull shit! Leave her alone!

whoever this is ily have a great day

ok ik you've lost weight in the past so I'm just gonna ask u like how did u get the motivation to?Like I don't mean how you actually did it but like what was your mindset?i am way overweight and I feel fat and gross and IK I need to lose weight but my mindset isnt strong enough even tho IK I'm gross

ok whoever this is if you want to text me about it text me @ 5197327005 but tbh i just looked in the mirror and wasn't happy with myself and got bullied a lot because of it so i set small goals like one day id go completely healthy food and then the next do like some sort of workout and then of course i had soccer a lot too and i always strived to become better in soccer so i just kept on focusing on the small things. but honestly if you want to text me about it or something I'm all for it and ill help you set goals if you want and i won't judge at all if thats what you're worried about so at all means I'm here to offer my help take it if you want it and don't worry if you want to stay on anon i totally get it I'm just trying to help<3

Do you even own jeans? You know you don't need to wear leggings every dress down day we have right you don't look good in them so it's best you stick to anything but tight clothing

ya i own jeans and i don't wear them every dress down day you dumbass but your thoughts on me are irrelevant and i don't care about your opinion anyways soooooooo fuck off while i go put some leggings on

Perks of dating you

cuddles whenever you want
ill play cod with you
ill come to your sports stuff if you have any
i don't care what people think so no drama or very little
im chill most of the time
ill make you food
you'll be my everything
im a good listener so if you need to rant I'm all ears
ill volunteer to be the ugly one in the relationship
idk aha ill just be cute and treat you like my world the way you should be


Language: English