

Ask @maggiemcdow

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So you curled your hair with the wand and slept in it and then pulled it in a side ponytail? It was pretty!!

Yesss and thank you :)

People call julia a horse why does she have a unibrow she is pretty ok

She doesn't have a unibrow.

Were y'all twinning because y'all's hair looked alike?

Noo I didn't even know she was going to be there lol

When y'all saw each other did you scream??

Umm eh not really but we took a picture lol and was like omggg

How did u do ur hair because it looked pretty and wavy

Aww thanks. I curled it that day and then just pulled it up

How did you see jadon in person where were you??

We were getting our physicals and we saw eachother.

How is jadabear your BESTFRIEND? You only meet her once in person..

I've known her since basketball season and were hanging out over the summer. Lol.


Language: English