

Ask @maisiewilliams_

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This is us in the future....You're so cute. I mean like just not your looks are cute but your personality too. The things you say are cute. Your voice is so cute. Your smile is so cute. How you talk to me is so cute. I like talking to you. I really like it. I really like you.


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Op on noorjahan mallu leaving Shirley and has now become a prostitute in Brixton so she can pay for £2.00 chicken on the main road with her friend that robbed Lola's mums phone

Liked by: Oricene

MAIMAI, buff face, figure, and hair, close mate, trust you so much, always make me laugh, I miss our sc convos :,( I COULD GO ON BUH LOVE YOU LOTS BBY GURL❤️❤️

Aww,thankyou bee❤️ hurry up and get that phone back mann:(xxxxxx
Liked by: sxnchh

If you had one button, like one thing that pisses you off, what would it be?

everyone and everything seems to find a way to piss me off

and if you want something you should go for it

I would LOOOL but I don't so you have no need to worry:))
another question,who is this((:
Liked by: Tŷty✨

he won't leave you but when he gets a girl do you really think he'll show you the same love he does now?

yes I do because as I said he is my bestfriend and tbh, if he gets a girl I shall be happy for him and idrc if he does or doesn't because he is still my bestfriend and I know he will show me the same love.
as you get to ask me all these questions,pls tell me why you care?

Scrapeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee game very strong like seriously you should leave it to kai and maisie to sort it out tbh its none of your mine or anyone elses buisness its their life and they can do whatever they want yur just askin retarded questions

yee latheefan XD❤️❤️
Liked by: Tŷty✨ kai Faith

why don't you and kai get together? You're so very buff He's so very buff Together your so very very buff Do you really love anyone else as much as him? I bet it even feels special when he hugs you, watch when you first see him at school again I bet the first thing he says will make you smile.

LOOOOOOL can you scrape out please? but nah honestly,what we do or don't do don't really concern you&&Tbh,it's between me&kaikai(: so if you don't mind,move from my ask. byeeeeee

Forgot to include, but your eyes are beautiful toooooooooo, loveyouu xo

Aww thank you saff❤️ loveyou too❤️


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