
maisy ox

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you're naturally beautiful maisy! seen you round school im in year 11 and your absalutly gorgeous! you hardly wear any make-up!xx

video response- opinions on sophie hall, brooke walker, darcie leech and becky padgett. ,3

right sorry cba doing it on vid
sophie hall- shes really lovely, shes in my history,dont really speak, shes pretty
brooke- dont really speak , shes lovely though, in my pe!
darcie- love her in some of my lessons and shes gorgeous and has really nice hair!
becky- dont really know her, never really spoke before so cant judge.

youve changed:/

who is this? dont see how i have at all? is this like ellie or something because there's no-one else this could be seen as though i get along with most people?

talk me through a girls thoughts everyday.

*in bed*
omg i really can't be bothered getting up(press snooze on alarm)
*1hour later* shit fucking shit balls bollocks i've woke up late
HOLY FUCK i look rough ill look better with make-up on
oh, my make-ups on i still look like a pile of crap ill look better with my hair done
hairs done still look like munter
ok lets get dressed , shit its freezing, omg im so fat!
shit there's a hole in my tights oh well got no-one to impress
oh shitting hell i look a mess!
oh lets walk to school! fun fun fun
its freezing...
got I've leaked everywhere, whip tampons out.
ooo i got a text off my boy, oh no its a bc no i dont want to ping for looks thankyou very much!
yay ASDA! HEAVEN! food food food! i love food! omg food, cookies, chocolate shit i have no money
hey friend i dont even like, please may i borrow a pound.
fucking hate her ugly bitch
actually her hair looks really nice today.. gonna say it doesnt though because i dont like her LOL SLUT.
how does she get that boy? seen her? oh well actually yeah.. shes stunning dm dm dm
*unwanted item in bagging area* omg shut the fuck up you stupid little robot thing
shit hate this teacher she fucking stinks omg get away from me ew ew ew ew
woo got sent out for doing fuck all
im off to matron and pretending im ill so i can get the frigg home back in my bed!
SLEEP. FOOD. CRY. MOAN. LAPTOP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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do you ever cry over life and what in it

yeah, cry all the time, boys,family,feeling ill,period pain,boys again,shit life,friends everything, but then i pull myself together and think that ill be reyt in the end i always am, so whatever like hits me in life ill get over it!

Hey :) I seen your profile on the "stream" thing and i'm just here to say. You are gorgeous looking :) I'm 17 and from the UK. Have a good night :)

awe thankyou!xx

Are you stupid or something? hahah in the video you just made about Holly, you were putting a voice on like in every single one. And what am i doing? isn't that a stupid question to ask when all i am doing is asking you a question haha!

Joshua Mark McGinley
woah well sorry i was clearly just messing about, don't watch the fucking vidio then? don't see the problem.


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