
Maje Zebel

Ask @majezebel

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Maje. You cool. Like your dope aff. Your boyfriends nice. And funny. And stuff. And I don't say that. About like anyone. At all, people annoy me. I like your baby hands XD ok that's all I got. If you wanna real one text me

Quit with the baby hands man Dx They're not that small ;-; and okay I willc:
Oh and btw Anthony and I aren't dating. even though I still yell at girls for flirting with him xD

Would you rather be a lonely genius, or a sociable idiot?

lonely geniusc:
People suck, and their are plenty of idiots walking around already.

Lucky me right ? XD Text me man? I got like 8 contact listed as you._. Like last year u texted you're dad or sosmething and he was like "this is majes dad this is her number _________ now if you could leave me alone. I was like. Oops oops oops oops oops oops

Lol totes man xD
I don't know your number bro. Delete all of the numbers lol, I really need to stick with one number xD

We are gonna go with aunt cuz I don't wanna a mom being one. And bossing me around at a young age XD

Lol it's gonna be related to me.xD We both know it's gonna be a little brat with an attitude xD

THANK YOU! Omf. I love my grandma!XD it's gonna be awkward having a ... Idek what u would call it a uhh cousin? What would you baby be called since you my g man?

technically it would either be your mom or aunt xD

Of that girl you liked the question:3

Oh, yeah lol xD ratchet girls seriously make my night:b I think she has some self esteem issues since she started freaking out, because you don't like her.
This is what i have to say to her

compliment: youre beautiful and i wish you all the luck in the world with your baby! he/she will be a perfect baby insult: nothing

It means a lot(:


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