

Ask @makaaaaycakes

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What is the weirdest thing you've heard somebody say?

i've heard alot of weird stuff in the 15 years i've been present on this earth.

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you're so pretty and such a kind soul. glad to know people like you still exist

Thank you so much ! I really appreciate that (: & I really wish I knew who you were so I could love you ! ❤️

Why are you and paola always by yourselves?

Well actually we're not always alone .... But that's squad so it's cool

If you had to get on a 14 hour flight, who would you want to sit next to?

august alsina....or kalin...or jaxon....or princeton.......or diggy

If your name wasn't michaela then what would your parents name you

Umm they said Michelle or Ashley but they didn't want a super basic name so... Yeah

How did you meet your best friend?

Which one. ...
Paola- first day of school at middle college
Faythe- 4th grade and we found out are parents knew each it other..
Paxton-5th grade I called him a nerd and idk we somehow got close.
Ajata- grew up with each other
Deba- ballet when I was 5 and she was 6
Ray- we met in sy.
Pookaboo- I was 5 and he was 7 playing the drums or piano while I was taking Ballet with his mom...

If you could make anyone in the world fall in love, which two people would you put together?

Me and Drake....
Me and Jaxon Howden

What is the next big thing that will blow people’s minds?

Ummm. Im pretty sure me graduating will be a shocker to most, when the time comes

tbh- makaycakes! ilysfm we need to talk more again

I love you to awko taco♡ iknow over been slipping ! I got you dont worry (;
Liked by: lex

what was you're favorite class last semester???????

English I think... not ms. bhambra or anything like that..but the people were chill younnoo
Liked by: Andrea


Language: English