
malvin kiman

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Latest answers from malvin kiman

kasih tips bljr nya dong kooo

ga ada tips spesifik sih, stiap orang cara belajarnya beda
just remember one thing, God is with us
if you've done your best and you felt like you've given your all pas exam, then let God do the rest. there's no point in worrying about something that is out of your reach
kerja keras ngaa pernah sia2 *thumbs*

tbh u have a very interesting dot on ur forehead 🌑 haha lol sorry i suck at giving tbhs. good luck for the exams! :) (or maybe ur done with them idk haha)

hahaha my mole expresses his utmost gratitude! and yea I'm done :)

what's it like meeting Malaysia in HMCA? -lunzthekewlezt

the delegate of Laos believes that the delegate of Malaysia is expecting too much.

Language: English