Ask @mamneva

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Worst feature of a guy?

if he is constantly talking about himself or being a really annoying jerk.

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Who is your closest friend? :)

um. i have alot of close friends. some are just more closer and important than others.

Thanks for being there for me last night. I really needed someone to talk to, and you were waitimg for me.Thanks Anya. (:

your welcome. im here everyday for you. (:

Are you going to Camp?

yeah im going to family & youth. and hey. i get my own tent at family camp so party at my tenttt(;

Who do you like? Someone told me you like 2 guys.

lol who told you that. its kinda true i guess. i cant decide. (;

Whats your favorite song?

i really dont know haha. Fix a heart is probably one of my favorites. and Take it hard. idkkk(:


Language: English