

Ask @manaltitah074630

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cosa fate per riuscire a non perdere la concentrazione mentre studiate? è da due ore che cerco di fare inglese ma non riesco

se ti rispondono dillo anche a me grazie ne ho prettamente bisogno.
magari prova con la tecnica del pomodoro o impostati un obbiettivo anche stupido come ad esempio farò 2 es in 5 o 10 min oppure pensa magari che dopo aver finito tutta questa tortura potrai essere libera.

cosa mangiate a colazione (se la fate)?

latte e biscotii,panino alla nutella e alcune volte se proprio nce sta nu caz yogurt

hey so I'm in high school right now and I have a multiple problemes first one is that I have bad grades at the most important subject second is that I got manipulated by many of my friends and now I hate them so much + I hate my self too for not being good at anything or finding any passion

oh honey, I'm so sorry for what's happening to you, no teen deserves it ...
I'm also doing really badly in school and I don't even like it; but I'm sure we could recover so rest assured that you will; and try to stay away from toxic friends, okay? they do not deserve you if they do this, you focus on yourself and on the school and that's it because they certainly won't be the ones to find you the job and they won't be the ones to get your diploma. and girl nobody is really perfect. the passion will slowly arrive and u will find it, maybe try to carry out different activities based on the one u like best. :) good life dear

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