
Dirty Dan

Ask @mangoesandpeaches

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what are your New year resolutions? :D

Be healthy and lose more weight ! Get straight A's. Be more productive... o___O Finish driver's ed! u . u

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If you could be anyone, would you choose to be yourself?

Mmm. Sometimes I wish I could be someone else u . u ... I wouldn't know who. Just not meeeeee. But. I think I'd choose myself ^o^ ...

Would you rather have one great talent at the cost of not being good at other things, or be mediocre at everything?

Mediocre at everything ! (:

What little things do you find attractive in people?

Idk what you mean by little, but a few things would be their laugh or their resting face. (: I have a resting bitch face so... LOL jk... Maybe. )): But idk. How funny they are or the way they interact with people. o: I really. Don't know tbh. u . u

it's like the only game i have lol. what was the last thing you got at pan pan?

Golden Coast !!! ( Pineapple Peach green tea )

diooon. play minecraft with meh.

Join this server Chris found !!! Jestin and Bubba are playing too LOL. ^o^ We're just. Idk :T

muahaha hello dion. seeing you're answering questions. are you going to change your picture or something? HOW ARE YOU DOING.

Oh yea haha soon (: I'm ok summer is ok!!!!! What about you ^o^

Describe yourself basic facts such as age, and your interests etc

I'm a teeen teen, and I love pineapples!!!!!!
Speech and Debate is love. And so is Pan Pan lululu.
I play League and starting Minecraft o>o I found diamonds hehe.
I can't learn other languages for doodoo!!!! ):
Beware: If too close, I will cling on to you, whether you like it or not.
I like hugging people hehe.
Ahri and Kog' Maw are bomb!!!!!!
Sweet > Savory foods (:
I'm not the smartest cookie, but that's ok. At least I'm a sweet cookie c: Nom nom hehe.

Write a paragraph about anything?

Fruits are great and I love fruits. (((((: Pineapples are the best. You can cook 'em and put them on pizza. It's great ^o^ . I also like mangoes. And peaches. Georgiaa peachesss. Where I used to live until 2nd grade when i moved to Cali. :T Apples and oranges are ok. Fuzzy fuzzy peaches make nice cuddle fruits!!! Blueberries are actually green inside. Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. At least sometimes. :T Lol idk.

If you were to get a tattoo, what would it be and where would you put it?

Pineapple on my palm (tree). (:

What's your currently favorite show on TV?

Criminal Minds is pretty bomb.
Game of Thrones is pretty bomb too. (:

actually i accidentally sent you the playlist attatched to it........ wow . mistake stake stake stae


What are you expecting from the new season of "Game of Thrones"?


why would sunday be bad?

Procrastinating your book report and WHAP on the same day is not a good idea lul.


It was goooooooooooood. (: Spent most of it with Chris lul. Sunday was surprisingly not as bad as I thought it would've been LOL.



If Ahri was a real person, who do you think she would be like the most? (out of all of your friends)

. idk............................. /: Can't say Chris nah....... LOL you're great hun but s o r r y . (: haha.
Omg I wanna say me but .... I'm not THAT great lo l. So id k.

Dude Ahri's boobs though mhmmmmm

hell yea
shes bomb
10/10 would bang
sers though would go lesbo for her.... hot damn.

how important is wealth and money when you grow older

Not too important. As long as it's sufficient (:
All I need is love and yayyyy. I'm a happy bimbo. ^o^

how was ur week? what about spring break are you looking forward to?

Week was doodoo.... Stressful with tests and shit. Feeling overwhelmed. :T ... Yea lol glad its over.
Seeing and hanging out with Couscous. *o* And just not doing anythinggg yayyy.

How was your day? Week?

Tom Cheah
My day today was greattttttt. Omg League victory spree... <3 Haha. (:
Week was stressful.... /: Boooo. Let's just say I felt a bit overwhelmed... u . u But there's always a couple of people to ease the anxiousness. (: Too much thinking done. And I'm just glad it's over and done with. :P No more talkies about this week cause it was kinda depressing for me lol. >:T

How was your day?

Tom Cheah
I kept falling asleep in class gg. Idk how I'm gonna write the essay tomorrow. No idea. Prob gonna get a 1. That's depressing. I went from only 6 to a 1. gg me. LOL.
Omg I'm very tired haha. End of the day as ok. Going Pannies with the fam : Twinsie, bro, Angie. And an acquaintance. o: Browsing Amazon. I got more shit gg. LOL. Lapi test tomorrow. Must study. Dying right now. Can not wait for weekend and Spring Break. -cries-

if black can be mistaken for gold on that dress, is it possible that niggers are actually colored gold? #stillnotbetterthanwhite

What is this racist question. L e a v e.

How was your day?

It was alright... A tad tired today. Excited for State Quals tomorrow . (:
Classes were kinda boring haha. u . u"
Working with Angel on my DI was nice. I think I'm getting better at handling intense feelings. I think. LOL
Aw idk nothing much happened. :P

oh and may i also request information as to how you handle your long distanace relationship? //hope im not being rude

I wrote this long ass shit but Ask.Fm. Had a shut down or something... >:T
Anyway... LOL you're not being rude....
Zzz. Sometimes I kind of know it's better this way with the distance. As terrible as it sounds, I have a feeling we'd be kinda inseparable if we were in the same area.... :T He has his own things to do, and I'm just here being a small town gal.... Yeaa he's going to college and... Yeaaaaa... He's surrounded by bomb ass bitches who are probably down to fuck....... But any doubts of him cheating on me are nonexistent, not because I'm a bomb ass bitch myself, but because I know we both care and love each other unconditionally. As hard as it is to be apart from him... Webcamming and small little snaps ease the longing for awhile... u . u Being in a long distance relationship is hard.... But having it with him makes it totally worth it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vs7XB5X1U48mangoesandpeaches’s Video 124905685764 vs7XB5X1U48mangoesandpeaches’s Video 124905685764 vs7XB5X1U48
Hey Bimbooo. I'm missing you like crazy haha.

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mangoesandpeaches’s Video 124905685764 vs7XB5X1U48mangoesandpeaches’s Video 124905685764 vs7XB5X1U48
Liked by: Christopher Lan

because its nice and relievng to recieve advice in moments when you have absolutely no idea how to proceed and things just not looking straight. so thank you <3

Always welcome dear. (:

bless your soul pinapple goddess dion. bless your soul thank you so much i think im going to go cry now

. Pineapple goddess omg. LOL
But why haha


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