
Mandy Julien

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Latest answers from Mandy Julien

What products do you use on your child, like what bran of nappies, wipes ect do you use?

youcuntx’s Profile PhotoJ.
Huggies wipes, and diapers, also LUV diapers. I always wanted to cloth diaper...but I hate doing laundry and my child would end up in disposables at the end of every week anyway.

It's my sons birthday in June, he'll be one and I'm stumped on what to get him as his main pressie. Any suggestions?

youcuntx’s Profile PhotoJ.
I only bought my son two presents for his 1st birthday: a riding toy and a sock monkey. I knew he'd be getting spoiled by our family and friends. He received countless toys, clothes, and books.

Do you think alcohol advertisement on television should be banned? Why/why not?

youcuntx’s Profile PhotoJ.
I wish people were smart enough to not be manipulated by television...because I don't think any advertisement should be banned. I like that alcohol advertisements have warnings/suggestions at the end.

We often say "you cant select who you fall in love with". With this being said, does it mean it's okay for paedophiles to love children, for people to be IN LOVE with animals ect? Why/why not?

youcuntx’s Profile PhotoJ.
Hell no. Just because their are things we can't seem to help or stop do not make them okay. If I fell in love with a man who beats me daily, it wouldn't be okay. People that love children or animals need therapy and medication, lots of it.

Are there any 'facts' you've been told, wither it's at school or just through family, that you disbelieve? Why do you not believe them?

youcuntx’s Profile PhotoJ.
I disbelieve the facts surrounding my fathers murder. I have heard too many stories and none of them match.

When you set yourself a goal and you reach that target do you reward yourself or do you think "I could have done better"?

youcuntx’s Profile PhotoJ.
I reward the hell out of myself, I'm learning that rewards aren't food. Haha.

Decisions are being made right now. The question is: Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you?

youcuntx’s Profile PhotoJ.
I don't really get to make them for myself. The decisions I want to make involve starting a career. Unfortunately, the army moves us around too often. The army decides where I live and for how long....employers don't like that

Which of your sexual quirks would you be mortified by if made public?

Why would I publicly answer this?

If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make YOU rich?

youcuntx’s Profile PhotoJ.
Hahaha, probably being an editor (I do love reading) at a publishing house that only published Fantasy novels lol!

Language: English