
Just Shut Up

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Latest answers from Just Shut Up

What two animals, if combined, would make for an awesome animal?

Puppy and shark! Shuppy!!!!

What makes you nervous?

My parents, parents checking my phone,losing my virginity, somebody not liking me, losing friends, the urge to kill a Bitch, darkness, sleepovers, ducks, not getting food, meeting a hot guy, talking to a hot guy, airplanes, painting my nails,.using sharpie, homework, teachers, insects, spiders, snakes, the ocean, sharks, blood, not using Netflix, not having a laptop, and much more

What’s the most scared you’ve ever been?

Well when i saw the conjuring and i Ummmm shit my pants

Do you believe that each individual on Earth has a soulmate?

Yep they just need to make an effort to find them

Language: English