

Ask @margemargee

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Чем отличаются успешные люди от неудачников?

у некоторых большая удача, а некоторые работают очень много и добиваются чего хотят, неудачники у них даже в самом названии нет-удачи нехрена они не стараются в жизни

Для чего ты чаще всего используешь указательный палец?

показать если кто-то поехал мозгами

What kind of things annoy you?

Ok so all i could think of right now
Jelly shoes, vacuums, old slow computers, frogs, ducks, chi hua huas, any small dogs that bark, tree bark, tomato juice, bad quality ear phones, way too soft apples, juice peaches, old sofas, creaky chairs, phone chargers with short chords, heavy curtains, people peeing in the pool, fucking band-aids in the pool, dead birds on the street, bird shit, nettle, ants, attention seekers, the game 2048, flappy fucking bird, black and white movies that have been "colored" (leave them the way they were omfg), when ppl spray paint shit like "good tattoos call this number" and like "freedom is justice" or some shit like that, iTunes, onions, when ppl keep saying your name to get attention, when things aren't color ordered (i'm a perfectionist ok don't judge), omegle, kik tbh, when ppl put 100000 useless hashtags, ppl who post 63 posts in like 1 day on Instagram, when ppl brag about hanging out with someone, ppl who make plans with u and ditch at the last moment, small carry guns, typical love stories, celebrities who have a lot of money posting things on Instagram trying to live a "normal life", stupid waiters, ppl who think I'm 4 years old, when ppl get annoyed at me for something and then do the same exact thing ugh, long ass hashtags, ppl who try to make an "official" trailer for a movie but really it's fan made (can you not fucking do that!), karaoke videos that have backup vocals (bitch I'm asking for a karaoke do you know what that is?), when movies based on books completely ignore some parts, ppl that show off about their money oh wait not their money it's their parents money bitch, ppl who think something isn't expensive but don't earn anything (bitch first earn some money and then say "no it's not that expensive"), ppl who think being an atheist is cool (we are all same ok having a religion and believing in a certain God isn't bad ok), when someone completely ruins your mood and your day, when ppl don't ask the direct question but try to get around it somehow (bitch ask it if you want), ppl who lie to get out of the situation, when someone asks you a question and while you're answering it they wonder off (bitch listen till the end you're the one who asked), ppl who lie to your face, ppl who do things by "accident" (accidents don't happen), ppl who intentionally piss you off, when you only need one more move in candy crush but you fucking ran out, ppl who try jokes on you that are from the internet, ppl who make you expect something and then don't make it happen I think I got a little carried away xD there are way more lel #nojudge I'm a pessimist

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Why do people kill each other?

Revenge, cheating, mafia, you get payed, they're annoying, they killed someone else, accidents (though i believe there are no accidents), anger, that's all i can think right now

I can't talk to you anymore cos madam Ilter is telling me not to cramp her style by saying hello to her new friends but you seem nice :)

Ahaha thanks u seem nice too, madam Ilter is indeed overprotective xD
Liked by: Eminaa temo Leyla

Ur not smart

lol ik thats why i meant the future such supportive frind much friendly #suicideroom suicide is the only answer

imıtate audrey

Marge omg
*slow reach high five*
Luvena hosgeldiniz nasilsen *talks turkish*
*pulls up pants*
*touches your shoulder*
*throws a ball randomly*
odri ily ❤️
Liked by: audrey !! Leyla

reasons why leyla is osem????

Ok so
We have amazing inside jokes
Not embarrassed of a lot of things which i love in ppl
Tall so i have to look up loool
Loves the boyz
Not shy
Invites u for a sleepover the first day she meets u
Idk she is cool
Liked by: SJ Leyla


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