

Ask @marshareynaldi

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hai ka dilaaa!:)
ka dila itu cantikkk, 8b ya kaa, udh mau kelas 9 nih hehe, kurus ya ka hu mau:(, tinggi, baik jugaa, agak jutek gt hehe, etc ya ka x
Liked by: dila.p.s

Desc akuu kaak wakaka

haii shafaaa, long time no seee btw!:)
shafaa itu baik yaaa, dulu deket bgt sama dera but kalo skrg i dunno u both msh deket atau ngga, hijabbb, cantik bgt:(, mau smp ya kamuuu, ola bestfriend's, hm etc yaaa! x
Liked by: zulfa

Lt ale

Ale ish such a funny person and uhm pretty boring tooo but sometimes she can be nice as well, hobby galauuu gangerti lg:(, no day without curhat ya le, my mega bestfriend?, u miss me riyt? ik, ok i dunno lg so yea bye
Liked by: Aleiza

Gimana cara nya biar pny lesung

draw a hole on ur cheeks and voila, u get the dimples!😋 HAHAHA no jk i dunno how😐
Liked by: zulfa

imp guee

'u r so smart'
'fuck u'
'no dude'
'good jobb👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻'
'no problem'
'it's not fair you know'
'it's just not fair'
'we're so jaim u kno😔' not me.
'aw, envy:('
'u're both are so sweet:('
'can u send me the vids'
'but u can't send it right'
'what songs did he played?'
'wiggle wiggle wiggle'
'panas ah mau kekamar'
'geser dong'
'ah anjing rese lu'
'dek, kiko mana'
'yah gadeliv'
'3 gaada hotspot'
dll ok bye
Liked by: zulfa


u r so disgusting i can't but kesayangan ya, u r a fucking idiot person😋, takenes riyt, galau terus omf, bestie moza bgt u kno lyk u r both are sisters, u hv a super cute cat btw i want it hm nah i want teacup poodle omg what am i talking about, ok then u can be nice sometimes and u r such a boring person ok bye💕
Liked by: Aleiza Cacaa zulfa


Language: English