
Mary Jo Dennison

What do you think about marriage?

well, first can I just say society's view of marriage today is distorted on so many levels? which, of course, stems from society's distorted view of "love". obviously, a man and a woman get married because they love eachother, but what is "love" anymore? for many people, it's become this thing where no matter how much you'd like to believe you love the other person, you're really loving yourself. you like the way you feel when you're around them and the way they look and the things they can offer you. you might even adore their personality but yet...do you care about them more than you care about yourself. would you die for them, I mean, really would you? honestly I think I've been guilty of this before myself. obviously I've never been married and I've never even been in a relationship, but I know that with certain people I've liked in the past, I thought too much about myself, how it would be to be with them...
now this clearly isn't everyone but it's certainly very common and one of the main reasons why marriages end. after a while they get bored of eachother. the "magic" isn't there anymore. they start fighting, and don't care enough to fight for the marriage itself.
look, marriage is a commitment. it's one of the most beautiful gifts from God. singleness is too. but if you're planning to marry/are married, think about this. who you marry MATTERS. a lot. because this is the person you're supposed to be with til death do you part. there's a reason for the vows. marriage is a picture of Christ and the church. it's a beautiful thing. well, it's supposed to be.

honestly, I believe I will be married someday and it's something I think about every single day. I pray to God that I'll be wise in choosing a husband. because I don't just want someone who will make me feel good or someone financially stable, I want someone who will truly bring me closer to God. someone who will walk along side me in my Christian walk every step of the way. someone who will partner in ministry with me, wherever that may be. I want someone who gets it...gets that the only reason we're here is to glorify God and make disciples. someone who will humble me and make me a better me, for Jesus. it makes me excited just to think about.
omg I'm seriously sorry for making Ask like my journal or something. I don't even know why I pour my heart out on here because I have like no followers, but I guess I have this hope of making a difference in someone's life? if anyone actually reads these then bless you ahah <3

Latest answers from Mary Jo Dennison

what is the best picture idea to take in the snow?

Not an expert on this since it doesn't snow much where I am. I usually just go out and take stuff haha!

what would be the best way to contact you? :) Yes I have left Flickr...but have a different place for photos now

There are a couple of ways, I'd lie to know who this is first though!

What's new with your life?

Hrmmm what's new? New semester, I guess. Going pretty nice so far, very relaxed. Also been going to a ministry called Cru on Tuesday nights! Oh and also I'm finally learning to drive so that's good.

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Do you want to get the Apple Watch?

Literally no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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What holiday gift would make you really happy?

Yo no lie I'd be pretty stoked for a new camera or a new guitar but on account of expensive I'd be happy with a new backpack. :)

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