
Lauren Ren

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if you could have 3 wishes come true what would you wish for

1. to be a happier person
2. to have more time for watching anime/dramas
3. to make a difference in the world somehow
Liked by: Nicholle

thoughts on yu hong

Yu Hong, like Shannon, is an uber-smart person with a vocabulary that I wouldn't be able to understand on a conversational basis :P he's actually quite chill and patient when it comes to filming for masscomm. I used to share an interim with Yu Hong and we discovered that we both liked Hayao Miyazaki films (Studio Ghibli), which was pretty cool.

thoughts on je hun

Je Hun is really smart and one of the most ambitious and hardworking people I know, and I know that he has a good heart despite his cool demeanour :)

thoughts on clint

Clint's a pretty awesome guy and we're on the same interim as well as mass comm. He's a pro at basketball.

do you try to be like others?

if I find something in others that I'm lacking, then I try to be like them in that way, but I wouldn't change who I am in order to literally be someone else.
Liked by: Nicholle

people that you ship that u know in real life

Nicola and George, Kayla and Matt, Kendall and ??? (I don't know him but whoever it is, I'm sure they're adorable together), Renee and Andrew, Don and Katie, Chan and Anya :)

thoughts on morgan

I don't know Morgan that well, but I do know that she's Mackenzie's twin and she also likes anime :) She's a cool bean and also a fast runner.

thoughts on shannon

Which one? If you're talking about Shannon Hwang, then I think that she's a genius and should just be accepted to all the Ivy Leagues early-decision ;)

thoughts on panling

Panling is sososososo adorable and pure. I love her sense of style (because it's similar to mine) and how we both share an interest in korean dramas :) lots of ranting about idols hahaha xD. Panling is a very passionate person who isn't afraid to stand up for what she believes in no matter what :) she's also so smart and rocks at history :O (can I be her please?) To me, Panling is the friend who knows what's best for you, even though you don't always know what's best for yourself, and I'm glad to receive her advice anytime ^^

thoughts on mackenzie

Mackenzie is someone who's always so positive about everything, even about failure, which is why I love being around her! With her, I can laugh off my fails in science and worry together for AP Lang. Mackenzie is a super fast runner #thatspeed and she's also one of my math buddies :) On a random note, I like her hair and how much fun it is to play with it ;D in all, I'm glad to have a friend like Mackenzie who is super cheerful and supportive too!

thoughts on yukine

Yukine was my ambassador buddy for freshman year, and she is one of the nicest people I know in Concordia ^^ she doesn't judge other people, which is something I look up to her for :) She has such a cute voice (ahhhh I'm so jelly) and she's an art virtuoso too! Not to mention that she's gorgeous and also smart. We didn't get to talk much this year, but I hope that we can still continue to be friends throughout the rest of high school :)

thoughts on iris

Iris is my blatantly honest friend, which is actually the quality that I like best about her :) Whilst we all need that friend who sugarcoats things, we also need that friend who is honest with you no matter what~ Even though Iris is super honest, she is still very supportive and doesn't tend to dislike people easily, which is another trait that I find very admirable. She's so smart and has high expectations of herself, which can sometimes be seen as overachieving but honestly, the overachievers are the ones who go places in life :) I couldn't be prouder to call Iris my good friend because if it weren't for her, I would have to go through APUSH by myself :( and that's no fun. It's always more fun with a friend in class to punch you (sometimes).
P.S. I think Iris has a pretty smile :)

thoughts on nicholle

Haha okay where to start? She's the most beautiful, sensitive, and wise best friend a girl could ask for! Whenever I'm having doubts or am having a bad day in general, she's always there to cheer me up and make me look at life positively again :) I love how we never owe each other money because we always treat each other for meals and bubble tea, and we always tell each other everything! There are no secrets between us. Nicholle is the co-founder of #NIGGASUNITE and we will always be the best niggas ever :DDDD Thank you, Nicholle for standing by me for two years and 69 more to come~ ;) JUST KIDDING NIGGAS NEVER NEED ANY LIMITS. Alright this is getting super long so let's just say I'm nothing without my nigga brother/papa/uncle/sister-in-law/son/and whatever else Nicholle is, because Nicholle is everything. <3

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Liked by: Nicholle

most awkward conversation/situation you've been in

This already-graduated senior sent me a note over MyConcordia saying how it was nice to meet me, so I sent him an email saying how it was nice to meet him too ._. he kept giving me weird looks until I confronted him about the subject and it turns out he didn't actually write the note =_=

one person that you'd like to start talking to again

my friends who have already graduated from CISS :) but we still keep in touch

ideal guy

someone who can make me laugh, cheer me up when I'm feeling down, understands me, is a gentleman, trustworthy, confident, reasonably good looking, and loyal ^^ preferably Asian.
Liked by: Nicholle

prettiest friend

I don't have a "prettiest" friend because all my friends are beautiful in their own way :) and no I'm not being cliche because I actually believe that.
Liked by: Nicholle


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