
Mason Hoffman

Ask @masonhoffman

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It's funny that all the girls you used to like have boyfriends now

That's what happens when a girl likes a guy? I don't understand what is so funny...

Stop asking questions about me😂 a) I don't hate Blaise. And b) no one gives a fuck if mason and I are friends so stop trying to start shit, Yeah? Cool thanks.

^^^^^^ for real
Liked by: Farron

So Farron blames Blaise for ending of your friendship. She says she ended the friendship to save your relationship with her because that's what best friends do. Then she goes on to say she regrets ever encouraging your relationship with Blaise in the first place. Kinda shitty of her to say that, no?

I'm not here to start drama again all I'm going to say is she said some things that I didn't like and that hurt me and blaise and that's all I'm going to say
Liked by: Blaise wilson B

What the hell is wrong with Farron lately?

She has chosen to no longer be my friend or be in my life so you can ask her because that's not my problem
Liked by: Blaise wilson

tbh you are the Mexican version of me. you annoy me until I want to break something, almost dislocate my elbow, and constantly poke me for no reason. Still, I put up with you cause you put up with me, and I respect you cause you're a beast. Thanks for being my favorite lifting partner and friend

Ryan Casselberry
of course
Liked by: Ryan Casselberry


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