Ask @mate227

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oces probat biti s miom sad kad nie u vezi

Aaand here we go again.... -.-'
Ne zbog jednog jako jednostavnog razloga, rade bi da mi bude prijateljica.

Have you ever tried to be vegetarian?

One does not simply try to be vegetarian. You're either a vegetarian, or you're not.

you think your so smart with such perfect grammer well guess what your not

I'm not even going to bother explaining why you're wrong here, I'll just say, my grammar is not perfect.

Why do girls' and boys' clothes have buttons on opposite sides?

I didn't even know about this until now, how the hell am I supposed to know why?

pravis se kao da ti vise nije stalo do mie a danas si se nafurio kad ti nije znala ime

1) Nikad nisam reko da mi nije stalo do nje, samo da mi se vise ne svida kao prije.
2) Uopce se nisam naljutio, samo sam ju zajebavo. Da sam se starvno naljutio osto bi tamo i poceo bi se svadat s njom.

What do you think about recycling?

Same thing as replanting trees. I need to do it, but others do it for me. xD

Who is the funniest comedian?

No one. ''The funniest comedian'' is inexistent, because for example; a PewDiePie's fan says Pewds is the funniest comedian, but PewDiePie has haters, a lot of them too.. Which means he's not funny to some people.
''The funniest comedian'' is a matter of opinion.

Do you prefer to talk or to listen?

Listen. Mainly because I'm a good listener. But also because I feel really awkward when I talk. ._.

What was your most awkward moment?

When I was like 4 or 5 I said that Africa is a country full of fat people that eat too much fast food...

What do you do when the remote is too far?

I scream untill someone comes to check what's wrong, then I say I'm too far away from the remote.

How many messages do you send per day?

Well considering I'm in a group chat with 46 people and there's always someone to talk to, I'd say about 3000 per day.

happy new years, if you get this, fucking hell you're lucky because ve followed loads of people;-; probably going to go through my list again and unfollow about another 200 people who i just dont bother with :)

Panic!At Jamie-Marie's disco
Not really lucky since I don't give a shit about how many followers I have and/or how many likes I get.

sns if you think this is spam again, if i've ever said anything horrible to you, wall to wall me and we'll try and sort it out, im not saying new year new me because im still me and always will be and im genuinely not changing for anyone, but i'd like to sort my shit out because im a cunt basically.

Panic!At Jamie-Marie's disco
I don't think you know what spam is, honestly.

unfollowing people, answer this or message me if you want to be unfollowed:) ( the reason im unfollowing people is bc i spam alot, getting hate rn:) )

Panic!At Jamie-Marie's disco
I honestly don't care if you keep following me or unfollow, I'm not going to cry if you unfollow me, but I won't be any happier if you keep following me.

pap of yourself & you can't answer any questions until the picture gets 100 likes

I would come up with a creative way to say no, but I'm too lazy to do so.

basically you should give me a reason as to why you should be in my bio, top 5 will go in my bio and i'll like 50 answers<3 all entries get 5<3 -call me a beg-

Panic!At Jamie-Marie's disco
I shouldn't be in your bio, I'm not even anything special to you.

What is better the truth even if it hurts, or a lie?

The truth. The person you lie to will find out the truth anyway, may aswell just let him/her know faster.

Which holidays do you and your family celebrate?

My family celebrates all of them, I think. I celebrate the ones when I get gifts.

Doing hot or nots by request; like 10 for a hot or not, i'll probably send you a gift for getting the most likes and maybe take you to the cinema in a couple weeks if you win, bc i'll be in england xD sent to all i follow ;-;

Panic!At Jamie-Marie's disco
Well, even if I wanted to be in that, I wouldn't get the most likes and if I did by some miracle you could only send me a gift.

Which three countries do you want to visit next?

UK, Sweden, *tries to think what youtuber lives where* and I guess USA.

why are you always rude to everyone and why are you acting so cold? im sure theres a nice boy under that cover of an asshole

That "nice boy" is long gone. When a person gets hurt so many times, only a special person can hurt him/her again.
Simply put, I can't afford to care.

If you could be immortal, would you choose to be?

Hell no! Imagine how fucking awful would it be if you had to work forever to buy yourself food. ._. If I had a shit ton of money with a stable income, then yes. :P

you act like you like @yesistoleyourdinosaur and @teadoroteddybear but your only nice to them cuz of their likes

You* you're* cause/because* .*
I'm just gonna say why I love them, and if you don't understand, then you go fuck yourself, really.
@YesIStoleYourDinosaur is an amazing girl, she's beautiful, smart and I just like her because of her, I actually didn't look at how many likes she has because likes aren't what makes someone a person.
@TeaDoroTeddyBear is also an amazing girl, I've been on Skype with her once and she pretty much thinks just like I do, we agree on a lot of things, altough we have some disagrees too. And I like her because she's so perfect.
Or, long story short, I think they're both perfect and that's why I like them. Got that? Yes - Good, now leave. No - I don't care, leave.


Language: English