

Ask @mattcurtiss527

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Tbh I would really fucking like it if you stop blowing up my notifications considering i don't know you

Maddy Young
Okay, holy shit. You could of said it nicer and without cursing. Bye (blocking you)

Aw I'm so sorry people call you a player ....... Because players get every girl they want , and make out with 20 different girls a day. So you obviously are not a player. you're desperate ! You tell every girl you like them and be all sweet to try to make them like you and no one is gonna like ya .

What do you get out of this. You try.to make me miserable but honey it aint gonna happen so fuck off

You and Sierra had sex in a church bathroom !?!?!?!?!? Ur so young for that , plus Sierra looks like she's 6 . Wow god is ashamed of you ,

Im athiest so fuck off:)
Liked by: David

Your welcome if you ever need to vent to someone or just to ask for something I'm here (: I know it hurts but ya gotta get through it(:

Thank you !! (: text me sometimee

Don't this to them , there just jealous because you like Danielle so they can't have you. Just keep your head held high and ignore em(:

Thank you so much !! :)

Wow so you break up with Danielle and then go ask Miranda if she likes you and she says no , so you ask another girl and she says no so you go back to Danielle because she's the only girl who will ever really truly like you and you're lucky to have her idk why she likes desperate guys lol


you told my friend that you liked her yesterday, then you go and say you like danielle. & you claim to not be a player? wow somebody is STUPID!

Im not stupid holy. I didnt use her. I just cant get over.danielle

No it's not just guys who use girls when you lead a girl on then just randomly stop talking to her or anything else it's make them think that every guy is going to play them,tell them all this sweet stuff then just leave and it hurts girls a lot more than guys realize.

I never stop talking to any girls !!! And I say sweet things to make them.smile not to date them. Sorry
Liked by: Daisy

Really? What kinda guys is it then?

Guys who use girls. I dont use them. If I do then what do I get out of it ?
Liked by: Daisy

I won't fuck off because its guys like you who hurt girls and make then think guys are all the same

No its not guys like me.

You're are a fucking player it's so damn annoying you need to take some damn lessons from your brother because I see the way he treats Stephanie and that how you need to treat a girl and I mean one girl not 5million

Fuck off please:)


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