

Ask @mattcurtiss527

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Awwwwwwwwe! I saw you and danielle hugging at lunch today! It was so cute!

Hehe thank you ((: too bad that was the first time we hugged in a week :(

And i thought her name was kylie not Kyle oops that's why I was saying "that girl"

Haha well he does have boobs

I was talking about that Kyle guy I was saying he has. A 4 wheeler as his background cause he's to ugly to post a pic of himself

He is omg but thaks

Keep in mind the girl who is bullying has a frikin 4 wheeler as her background cause she's to ugly to post a pic of herself. So back off you have no reason to talk so leave .

uh what ?

its america im trying to stop matt from being a soft fag and make him strong. and sorry i dont cheat. i have guildlines and i dont cross them. and 22 dollars is more than youll ever make in your life matt

Kyle Kilmer
No its not.... bye
Liked by: David

Ok bitch stfu. Ok Matt were not really good friends but I KNOW you don't deserve this shit and I hope you do know you can block this ass from asking you questions?

Yeaa Im gonna thanks

no hahah i make more money in a summer than your mom makes in a year. i make 22 dollars an hour and no i bought the truck from my dad. and its still better than anything you'll ever afford. and you are on welfare. david told me ahahahahaha

Kyle Kilmer
OMG 22 DOLLARS AN HOUR .... and davids also fucking stupid because im not on welfare
Liked by: David

YOU THINK HE DOES IT FOR ATTENTION ! And bitch don't tell me to shut up. Why dont you just leave no one likes you. You have know friend and I bet you do cheat on your girl friends. Oh and I'm so sorry 17* It doesn't change shit your still a faggot for giving a 13 year old hate you ducking dumb ass.

Ugh your perfect <3 and thanks bby

haha alteast i can afford to buy a truck you poor fuck. you're on welfare. and i like how you told me to die. matt everyone dies eventually . thanks for pointing out the obvious

Kyle Kilmer
Im 13.... what the fuck am I supposed to do with a car. Im also not on welfare cause my mom has a damn job and makes way more then your poor ass. I bet you bought your truck on craigslist anyway

danielle shut up. hahah im 17. hahaha matt is shit a fag and a poser. he does shit for attention. dont you relise that? haha if you dont your a fucking idiot

Kyle Kilmer
SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DIE OKAY ? Nobody wants you here cause your just a racist country hick who needs to get back to his damn truck

really? haha wanna play my favorite game? pick your teeth up off the floor? i will hurt you matt haha dont mess with me and who the fuck says "byee" with two "ee" 's only fags do that

Kyle Kilmer
I would play it with you but you dont have teeth (: cause you probably got hit by a tractor... bye country hick

thats funny cuz i dont i get girls that are my age and sorry i dont cheat on my girlfriend and she doesnt cheat on me hahahaha

Kyle Kilmer
Seriously.. If I ever see you ill hurt you so bad(:

Must of gotten tan mr wigs:) and get in his good side by offering to read out loud and say you're my BFF hell give you free stuff

Ashley hill
YAY and thankss girl :) and yea hes darker then before

haha buddy im bigger than you. stronger than you. sorry i dont starve myself. fag. and im ganna drive down to Florida and personally kick your ass and laugh at you with david and then drive home haha

Kyle Kilmer
Its funny cause your 18... Im glad your bigger and stronger then me. If you werent then that would be sad af

Please just show him this that I live him so much an he was and still is my BFF and no one wil replace him and I miss him so much and I'll come visit on Friday

Ashley hill
Okay damn lol

im proud to be a country boy. haha and saying nigger isnt racist. blacks say it all the time.and being a soft bitch is pretty gay. go back to sucking dick faggot.

HAHA YOUR FUNNY.. saying that is racist and okay I will but go back to your kkk meeting and milking cows dumbass


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