

Ask @mattcurtiss527

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Top 10 favorite friends (girls) ?

1. Dani
2.Tay Tay
3. Jacie
4. Thea
5-10. No body else :( I need more friends

Did leo give u his skateboard cause you were too poor to afford one

I could go buy one right now if I wanted to ._. but yea I traded him my old proactiv set lol

"Leave now" what are you, 14?

No im 13.. you have no respect for anyone cause you assume stuff. Get your facts straight first okay ?

yesterday you LOVE Danielle and now you don't? Grow up, kid

Shut up please. Ill always love her but she wants to be friends now and Ill accept that. Leave now

Are you guys still friends?

She thinks were better of not talking or being friends. but I think the opposite

And also she's just a girl i mean theres more girls out there you dont need the one like really i know a couple people that like you. your still just a kid and ya i know so am i but really you shoulnt be doing this to yourself cause of her your young and damaged. im not being mean or anything im js.

Alexandra Oxendine
Thank you alex ! :/

im not trying to sound mean or anything but you really dont need to announce everything on ask like " im gonna kill myslef " or " im cutting rn " like ok say it once but once is enough and if you keep saying it , it sounds if your wanting all the attention and people feeling bad for you

Alexandra Oxendine

Don't cut seriously, ur gonna spend ur whole life being sad and then ur gonna look back and be like "man what did I do" and it's never too late to change

Why would I think back and say that. I would know that my life was hard and I would accept it

Is it really that worth it? Just think would you do that to a baby? Make it bleed and make it kill or try to kill it's self.

What the hell...

Stop. Please. I don't even know you but for you to cut. Please just stop.

I cant.... im in love with someone who does love me back, this is my worst nightmare


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