

Ask @mattcurtiss527

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If your plane was about to crash, who would you want sitting next to you?

Well the last person I wanna see before I die is danielle but I wouldnt want her to die with me <3
Liked by: Danielle hurd

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ANON YOU ARE LIKE BLOWING UP MY NEWS FEED WITH ALL DIS FIGHTING SHIT! Quit it grow up and learn to be a big boy/ or girl and say it to his face JUST SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH YOU LITTLE BITCH damn I think I made my point Matt, what's your numba?

Genevieve Hole
My phone broke :( but im getting a new one soon. but omg thanks <3

Wtf why do all you fucking anons have to say shit about Matt. Like wtf did he do, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't do anything to Danielle considering how much he loves her. Just let him be my god. Y'all are a bunch of pricks.

Thanks :))

Shut the fuck up asshole all u had to say was ok but nooo you had to go all and be a damn dictionary. Just say ok so we can all move in to a different subject ok thanks

Nahh :) im not gonna shut the fuck up

Dont call me a dumb shit you faggot listen I don't want to start drama I just want you to treat all you have to say is ok ? ok I'm done bye

The definition of a faggot is a male homosexual... and considering Im dating your friend danielle, who is a girl because of her body parts and etc... Im not a faggot and you know that. #dismissed

I never said that she told me you didn't treat her right ? And you know why she hasn't dumped you ? Because she likes you. So don't sit there and call me a dumbass and you bet your damn little fuckin ass that I'm going to fuck with you she is my bb and you don't deserve her

I know I dont fucking deserve her you dumb shit. Cause thats all I fucking know. No one deserves her. I know she likes me. and I fucking like her to and well Idgaf if she tells you everything cause she really doesnt and if she did then you would know that I treat her right so please do us all a mother fuckin favor and fuck off. bye

Listen to me you little faggot treat her right she is one of my friends I was being nice to you but you decided to be a jerk and she tells me everything so don't even try to lie to me about shit and don't you dare tell me to fuck off little ignorant cunt

Fuck with me.. im not an ignorant cunt. I treat her like a mother fuckin princess and whatever she tells you is bullshit. If you really says that I treat her like shit why hasnt she dumped me yet? huh dumbass tell me that. Dont fuck with me

Ok Danielle really likes you so don't go and cheat on her or lie to her please Ik u keep saying "I treat her right" and shit but just look out for her feelings in this whole thing. Don't go cheat on her with Sierra she had a bf too I'm just looking out for everybody I don't want anybody to get hurt

Omg stfu.. please I do treat her right cause you dont know shit. I give her everything Im not gonna fucking cheat on her so fuck off and have a nice day

If you really like Danielle then why isn't your profile picture if her

I changed it.. Love cant be measured by something like that.

Hahaha you and Sierra did have sex don't lie

We didnt have sex.. the most we ever did was makeout. Im not lying. Im telling the truth
Liked by: Sierra

Do you really like danielle or are you just playing her?

Why would I go back to her twice if I played her. Think about that. When you play a girl you use her once and dont go back to her. I havent used her but ive gone back to her. Danielle is my life, I really like her and I swear on my life that im not playing her cause If i was I wouldnt of gone back to her. okay?

you better be good to Danielle, I'v known her for a long time now, don't want to see her get hurt.

I am good to danielle. I give her the whole world. Its all she deserves. I treat her like a princess even though shes already one.

i will break in your house and shave your head and i will tattoo a swastika on your titty so you will look like a skinhead and a bunch of black people will jump you for being a racist


What is your opinion on females, who have photos of beautiful female bodies in a seductive lingerie as their profile photos or so-called avatars ? Do you automatically assume that such women are "sluts", who are desperate for attention ? Why / why not ?

Black Media
I think they shouldnt be posting that. If they are young then yes but if not then no.


Language: English