

Ask @mattcurtiss527

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If you could paint anything what would you paint?

Well nothing in particular, I just want to have a paint war with her (:

I don't care about your relationship one bit. I was just letting you know highschool is gonna be rough for ya

kk ;)

You're such a fucking hypocrite kid, Wait until 9 grade high school is gonna hit you hard and the people in it if they see you "cheating" on your girlfriend.

I cant wait <3 You think im not ready.

But why when you could be with Sierra?

danielle means more to me... She knows me, she knows how to make me happy and shes special to me
Liked by: Sierra

Um your not joking. And she's not just a friend. Everyone knows you want her to be more and you guys are flirting dumb ass

were fucking joking!!!!! the only one I wanna be with is danielle.
Liked by: Sierra

There you go flirting with other girls again. Lol fag

im joking damn... shes a friend. nothing is going on, I promise
Liked by: Sierra

Ok so I am sorry everything. The fighting the bad relationship the everything, everything bad in are relationship was because of me you never did anything to me but i did so much to you.. I'm so sorry you have know idea. sorry for being the worst girlfriend you have ever had. I'm sorry </3 :'(

Danielle hurd
Your the best girlfriend ive ever had.... Your the only one who can make me as happy as I was. You just dont get that you hurt me, you continue to and the one time im not overprotective and let you do something, you start liking another guy. Im sorry
Liked by: Sierra

You know what? Your such an asshoe, you really are how about you re-read what i fucking said. I didnt call you an attention seeker? I fucking said it made ME look like an attention seeker. If someone says sorry fucking accept it. This is why you get hate.


All it does is make you look like a cry out for help and an attention seeker. Yeah i understand your sad and if you really do love her your going to still be like this for months. Yeah your going to be depressed and lonely and alone not seeing her everyday but im sorry for what your going through

I didnt tell anyone I cut until now... Id rather no one help me because I dont want to be called an attention seeker......your not sorry

{1/2} Really? Cutting? Seriously your going to make her feel like shit like shes a horrible person. Cut the shit cutting dosent solve anything i use to do the same thing as you, in your situation, here i am 8 months later STILL DEEPLY IN LOVE WITH HIM did cutting solve anything? No.

Its not supposed to fucking solve anything you fucking retard!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It helps me get out my pain on something, thats why people cut, not because it solves anything

If you loved her you wouldn't of cheated on her QUEER.

QUEER :) classic. I didnt do it on purpose.

haha and all you other cunts who are just being plain out rude, hop off his mother fucking dick...only im allowed to do that:)

nobody is allowed to do that

do you think im being mean? if so I'll hop off but i'm your "sis" and im.not gonna sugar code shit, and tell you lies...that wouldn't make me a good friend would it? :)

nope it wouldnt
Liked by: Danielle hurd

How much did you love her? Like come on

more than words can explain...Shes everything I thought since I met her... I tried everything to impress her. We've gone through alot and you dont know shit about it. I love her alot, ive cried like 15 times and cut like 150 times for her and because of her. She my whole life, I would of done anything to get her back but idek anymore. I dont deserve her. I never have and I never will. I may not be the hottest,cutest,funniest,richest guy and I dont have the best body,hair,smile laugh or anything else but I will give her anything, from love to hate. Whatever she wants, Idec she means everything to me even if she hates me. Im not her #1 anymore and i dont even know if I ever was. I would do anything in the god damn world to make her even smile for 5 seconds. I regret dumping her but it was either me or her. I didnt want to have to but I did. I will never stop loving her but I cant say the same for her. Im sorry for everything.

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Liked by: Danielle hurd

Um you cheated on danielle and a bunch of girls tell me that you always flirt with them and say you like them danielle did the same thing but she was honest about it, you did it behind her back

I didnt flirt with anyone.

stop being a fucking ass hole a realize all the shit you have put her Through and realize this is the first time she really did something to you! Se gave you chances! And you don't give her one! Thats bullshit.

I gave her alot of chances.... that people dont know, im not an asshole its just not easy to fall out of love especially when the hole is pretty fucking deep.

haha lay off matt, not to point fingers here matt but you did hurt her many times and i guess she has hurt you too...but it's over and yall we're obvi weren't working out so theres no use of being pissed:)

We actually were fine until she went to the mall and fell in love. Shes hurt me alot more then ive hurt her... I havent hurt her in awhile and so far shes hurt me non stop for the past week
Liked by: Sierra

yah bc she's a good person matt lol and you know that.

yea shes great... she told me she wanted to kiss another guy :) shes soo perfect
Liked by: Sierra

haha your funny you might have dumped her this time, but last time i checked she dumped your ass not to long ago and somebody i know cried so dont go there. so fuck off.

but she came back to me after like a day......... :)
Liked by: Sierra

Your good enough for people who care. You are my best friend and that's good enough for me. I can tell you anything including stupid shit because your good enough for me (as a friend) and you are too good for those who don't care.

Not many people give a shit about me.. Im not too good for anyone
Liked by: Sierra


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