

Ask @mattcurtiss527

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Ok um first bitch if he ever did ask I would break up with him. Second GO THE FUCK AWAY I DON'T THINK ANY OF THESE LIES INVOLVE YOU DO THEY! NO SO GO THE FUCK AWAY. #Dismissed

I love you (: <3 and I would never ask

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Nah dude she told Me straight up it was Danielle.

Danielle wouldn't do that... she loves me. Emily told danielle straight up that it was Emily... you can even ask danielle.

You should break up with you gf and go out with me <3 (:

Um..... I should not break up with my.gf and live happily ever after with her. <3 :)

He actually didnt call me a whore. I later found out it was his ashole friend and yeah. And if it really was him d you think we would be dating this long? Seriously. Wtf try not to start stuff with him, he actually treats me nice.

He treats you nice... and it wasnt his friend, hes just saying that to get in your pants

i never called her a whore and no im not scared of you youre soft af

Say that to my face then.

Stfu white boy you always call girls whores even if it wasnt you on her ask you did it before

Stfu your scared of me lol say that to my.face... and you've called her a whore before
Liked by: Sierra

Hahahahahahahahahah omg your so blind!! Holy shit! She is a little slut! You could do sooooooo much better omg! Cause your Actually cute she's just omg! Break up with her ugly ass! Please She deserves to be single...

Shes not a fucking slut you retard!! There is no better than her..... If anyone's the ugly ass its me. She deserves to be with me and I love her.

Your girlfriend is a ugly bitch why are you dating her???

Omg... stfu you pussy ass prick. my girlfriend is beautiful and isnt even remotely.close to a bitch. she makes me smile. bitches dont make.me smile :') Shes perfect no matter what you say or do. i love her. #dismissed bitch
Liked by: Danielle hurd

okay fine and Im not even going to argue with you about the whole ' i used you , you used me' thing and the 'bro code' doesnt apply

Bros before hoes... #dismissed

then danielles going to die. Because its obvious its you. And you should never swear on someones life because there are stupid people on here unlike me and people who can take jokes. if its truly not you then help me find out who it is? COMPRENDE?!

She not going to fucking die.... you used me and then went to my damn bestfriend. i swear on my.life it wasn't me



you look like a queer in your profile pic get a haircut pussy

I did get a haircut.. it looks pretty cute <33

Wow honestley I'm just casually looking down your ask and all I'm seeing is why do you ask girls for nudes? Like seriously you don't and they probably don't even know you and maybe there just jealous cause there not you. They just need to leave you aloneee ! Ily (:

Alexandra Oxendine
Thanks alot!!! Ily2
Liked by: Alexandra Oxendine

Doont you realize if you fight Jose your rep will go up. Even if you loose. He is one of the most popular kids at your school. Take a risk.

How tf will it go up?? and my girlfriend said if I fight him that she'll dump me

not gonna lie. it stinks she had to end her life. but she did it to herself. theres thousands of kids who die to more important things and she got popularity by showing her breasts online and killing herself. i dont really have any simpathy or nor do i feel guilty. so dont give matt hate. i agree.

Thank you.
Liked by: Alexandra Oxendine

Ok she made one mistake, let extend it and make it 1000000000000 mistakes. Did it affect you? Did you get bullied? Did you get the shit beaten out of you? Did you feel you life was so bad that you had to end it? No. The fact that shes not even alive and you called her a slut... Smh

She showed 1 guy her breasts.... if she would of never done that then he wouldn't of posted it online.. end of story
Liked by: Alexandra Oxendine


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