

Ask @mattcurtiss527

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jasmine told me she likes you ...... lawlz dude , lol. DID YOU HEAR ME SHE LIKES YOU! you should ask her out or get to know her better ..

Tell me that on Facebook then

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why is kaitlyn and jasmine so ugly ..... thare not perfect . at all dude .

Seriously if you think their ugly the your fucking stupid,need to get some god damn glasses and get off anon. k

Kaitlyn is in my dance class(: and I meant 10 not 20 lol

Lol okk (:
1.Jordan Josetti
2. Cami Donald
3. Bellaire Boles
4. Maddie Lamb
5. Alexa Burmudez
6. Maya Mouzanner
Thats all i know

no hes not going to hook up with kaitlyn because hes ugly af and a pussy and doesnt talk to girls in person


do you still like jasmin ?? lololol cuz just yesterday on your ask it looks like thares stuff about jasmin .. lol now you like caitlyn ?? lolloloolll cuz you really liked jasmin lololol

Kaitlyn*** and ehh idrk cause she doesn't like me so whats the point of liking her

Top 10 seventh grade girls.

1. Kaitlyn Carlin
2. Miranda Schwartz
3. Jasmine Vanstratt
4. Kaitlyn Smith
5. Tara Fike
6. Brooke Chapman
7. Maddy Skapik
8. Ashley Bateman
9. Kaitlyn Shaw
10. Katelyn Cortes

Top 10 6th grade girl

1. Jordan Josetti
2. Jordan Josetti
3. Jordan Josetti
4. Jordan Josetti
5. Jordan Josetti
6. Jordan Josetti
7. Jordan Josetti
8. Jordan Josetti
9. Jordan Josetti
10. Jordan Josetti

Let me tell you how it makes you greedy, you always want more and more, so in your case your always wanting more and more girls

I dont want more and more girls lol

Lol soon you will change your mind and like a new girl why dont you freaking choose one and stop trying to get every girl possible??

Im noy trying to get every girl possible lolol

This is exactly why everyone thinks your a player you like a new girl all the fucking time

Do you even know what a fucking player is!!! Look it up you stupid fuck

and you say youve always liked her !!! haha , than y did you tell everyone u liked jasmin? lol that just makes me laugh sooooo hard .

Cause i thought i did lije jasmine but i didnt it was just Lust.

lol you said that about jasmine ... " im not letting her go " lol one minute you like jasmine and now you like kaitlyn or whatever , like i said .... you always like a new girl.

No i didnt lol xD its my life not yours, plus Jasmine doesn't like me anyway


Fuck you,Ive always liked her and if you have a problem then say it to my face, cause im not letting her go.

Your legit a dumb ass you like some one else now? No ones surprised for real your such a greedy bitch

How does that make me a greedy bitch??? Ive always liked her,its just other people didnt know

Name the top 5 seventh grade girls.

1.Kaitlyn Carlin
2.Jasmine Vanstratt
3.Tara Fike
4.Miranda Schwartz
5.Brooke Chapman

What is one awesome food from your country you think everyone should try?

Everything from my country tastes like shit


Language: English