

Ask @mattcurtiss527

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Jasmine obvi likes you, she loves the attention your giving her if ou don't see tht then ur fucking blind. She comes on ur ask just to say hi, and said I'm perfect yo when you said she had a nice smile, she's fucking lying shes swearing up and down she don't like you when clearly she do

Liked by: David

Okay we'll she told me that she like you .

Idk how im supposed to believe that, i mean i would like it but idk

why do u like jazmine

Cause she is adorable,perfect,cute,pretty,sweet,short,funny,crazy <33 her voice is perfect,her hair is perfect,her smile is perfect and im just in love with her and id do anything for her

Don't lie Matthew we all know you would rather make out with Jasmine than "kiss" her...

Lol (: as long as shes ok with it then yea i would

you cute im jasmin vastratt wannA Date ?!?! amd makeout ?!?!/ and fuq

If you were jasmine, you would know how to spell your own name -_- plus "you" dont like me

do you even talk to jasmin in person ??? are you to scared if you havent ??

No and yea im scared that im gonn :(a say something wrong :(

whos the number 1 person in the world for you right now & would you take a bullet for them ??

Jasmine Vanstratt and of course

you like everygirl in the school , you said on instagram you liked hailey , and you are opsessed with jasmine , you like kayla , you like brooke , you like that girl with the messed up pink hair like get over yourself . btw jasmines mine shes way to perfect for you.

I liked**** kayla,brooke and hailet, i dont fucking like the girl with the messed up pink hair andi dont fucking like every girl in school, get your facts straight

this isnt greg nigga its greenkush we got like 4 grams of high grade mids and some shroomies too

Yes it is ;) *wink*

top 10 girls you know any grade

1.Jasmime Vanstratt 2.Tara Fike 3.Sammi Moore 4.Jordan Josetti 5.Kaitlyn Shaw 86.Katelyn Cortes 7.Brooke Chapman 8.Kenzie Cummings 9.Emily Davis 10.Julianna Starr

Would you rather be able to visit 100 years in the past or 100 years in the future.

Past, cause ill know the future

who would you makeout for 5 whole minutes with & hug a.) jenna laporta.......... b.)a guy ....... c.)jasmin vansrtat d.)lidia ...... e.) meagan mutez f.)bianca keesler or me g.) a super ugly girl, named poop

I dont know who you are but, Jasmine* Vanstratt * C <3

who do u want to kiss right now..................................................................

Jasmine Vanstratt <\3


Language: English