

Ask @mattcurtiss527

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top 10 girls in 7th?

1.Brooke Chapman 2.Kayla Sasbon 3.Kenzie Cumings 4.Tara Fike 5.Camille Lister 6. Kylie Hutton 7.Jill Gurr 8. Calla Hughes 9.Jena Reback 10.Katelyn Cortes

If you could bring one character to life from your favorite movie, who would it be?

I would bring two, Jay and Silent Bob

How do you get a girlfriend?

well first you have to find a girl, she should be someone you really like and stick with her, second you have to find out wether she likes you or not and she should be someone in YOUR league otherwise you have no chance and when you find out that she likes you try to show her that you love her dont tell her off the bat cause if you do she might not go after you unless she really likes you and third ASK HER OUT it doesnt matter wether its in real life or on facebook,myspace etc.

josetti and i dont have an ask so i cant tag my self

tell me tomorrow then, like when you see me if you do then tell me that you like me

i'm a girl dick head. and im in a relationship for 2 years now. have you even had a girlfriend for more then 2 months? all you want to do is try an get in her pants. youre a jit. and you think you know so much about weed. okay thats why your brother doesnt even know you have smoked it youre pathetic

actually ya i have, who the fuck are you and no im not trying to get in her pants but i cant say the same for your boyfriend

how the fuck do you love someone when you've only been dating like 2 weeks, you guys will break up, and you will not love her anymore. so please stop throwing love around. your 12 you're not fucking in love !

Have you ever saw a girl and ever said to yourself "i want her" or "she is Perfect,and i have to have her", thts what i said but fuck off you little jealous fuck, you will probably never get a girlfriend/boyfriend

you seem nice, hope you are your gf are doing good,, how old have you guys been dating?

Its going kinda rough cause people keep saying shit and like a week r two

ur gf is ugly nasty poop stains on her panties! u are ugly fat breath smells bad and weird and creepish fag go suk a dick

I can tell your a pussy because you dont have the balls to tell me facr to face or not on anonymous

youve been dating your gf for like a week stop being an asshole and saying "oh i love her forever"

I can say what i want and how exactly am i being an asshole by saying that??

you and your girlfriend will most likely not lost. and for you to say forever and i love you, your like 12 shut the fuck up

last** and i can say what ever the fuck i want and if you have a problem with that then go suck a dick. byee asshole


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