

Ask @mattcurtiss527

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And do people know you pushed me down on the ground l

I have people that saw me 😂 I didn't push you to the ground I picked you up and literally sat you on the ground, stop making it seem like I hurt you

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If it isn't Alexus or Nicole then who is it! Carley

HELL NO YOU GOT ME FUCKED UP. and I told you i wasnt gonna tell you

You cant change. Once loose , always loose

Nah if you know anything about vagina. if you don't have sex or do anything sexual for a certain amount of time it gets tighter

oh that you fucked her & she got aids or something

nah wtf 😂 that means I would have to have aids you retardv

You told her mom that she was loose af because she is

yeah oops but that was awhile ago idk if she's changed

wait what happend 😂

im not gonna go into detail cuz people will prolly hate me for telling everyone but let's just leave it at, I told her mom something 😂

is Kayln loose or do people just say that

well Im not gonna start shit w her anymore bc I've already done enough to hurt her 😂 but let's just say you should of been w me the night I ended stuff w her

Ok then ho on someone you may have feelings for

she's fine asf, her body is a1 and she's a dank ass kisser. Oh and she's better than anyone I've had feelings for

Avery is in another state or the girl u have feelings for

avery 😂 the girl I have feelings for lives here

It's obviously Avery lol u said yall were just friends though n u weren't getting w her

she's in another state rn lolol she's just my friend
Liked by: ken Avery

First letter of her last name? And have you met her before

I'm not fucking telling you Holy shit and yeah

Well why do you think she doesnt want you telling people

I don't know but seriously it's none of your business

You are so fucking cute& seem like a great guy & I could totally fall in love with you & I live so close to you but you have no idea I exist & I'm so scared to ever talk to you but you're great okay❤❤❤

thanks bb 💜
Liked by: haley leeanne

you going to get with her next?

if get with her you mean give her a nice high five and fist bump then yeah why not

r u gonna go out with Jenna cuz that's what she's telling every body 😂😂😂😂😂

wtf 😂😂 no she's annoying as FUCK
Liked by: ken


Language: English