

Ask @mattcurtiss527

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Lol ANON. If two under age children have sex and both "consent" and the girl doesnt say no or hesitates then nothing happens at all. They cant take it to court or put the accused away. So as long as the girl wants it as much as the boy, it's their choice, together. It cant be taken to trial Haha

Haha thanks

Anon look up your facts my dad and mom work in law it is considered rape

Just because your parents work for the law doesnt mean YOU know everything
Liked by: ken

Lol anon down there. Your wrong again :P the age of consent is 17, not 16. Statutory rape is when someone says no. technically 2 people under 17 "consenting" isnt rape. But if someone underage does not consent and says no but it still happens, its rape.. So..

Love you anon

U pulled Genevieve that Kenna girl is hot and Morgan is hot and Maryka Is hot and Alyssa has nice boobs and Helena was pretty hot and dede has a nice butt and lily is kind of cute

Thanks haha
Liked by: ken

if u have sex under the age of 16 its consensual rape in the united states you have to be 16 or older to consent to sexual activity...

I dont give a shit. Lots of people have sex under the age of 16 so fuck off

Lol. Anon below vvvvv UTI are caused by other ways, kids get them, little ones, teens, & Adults. It's not only from sex its from, and excuse this weird sentence- wiping wrongly. (Nonweirdest way I could put it.) Every girl, virgin or not will experience it in there life time. It's Common.


UTI are actually caused by sex. Weather or not the guys clean cause when you're having sex you're blocking your urainy track which cause a UTI. So std or not you can get a UTI

So its obvi not her first one...
Liked by: ken


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