

Ask @mattcurtiss527

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When do u not like someone fuckboy

I rarely have feelings for a girl and that doesn't make me a fuck boy but thanks for the compliment 😘
Liked by: gina

I was the one who asked who it was that person who's accusing you of moving too fast is irrelevant and a completely different person. Sorry if I got a little too in your business

Thanks but good night

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Forgiveness is the key to happiness, omg I sound like some church guy. But like you guys should talk it out. And just go on with your lives. You don't have to be friends. She seems sad without you anyways

We did talk it out and I'm done talking to her. I thought she wasn't like that but turns out that's all she is. She needs more attention than mine and I don't want that kind of girl and I don't want to date anyone anymore because girls don't appeal to me anymore so yeah no more hooking up or any of that bullshit for me I'm just gonna live my life and smoke a shit ton of weed because girls don't do anything but fuck your life up and if I wanted that I'd just do heroin or some drug that'll really fuck it all up

Its Gabby i bet or still Lilian but other then Lilian i bet its Gabby u start liking people and move on to other girls way to face stop jumping from girl to girl it doesn't look good

Move on way too fast? Was I supposed to move on slow from a girl that did something like that to me? Nah I'm good I'm tired of being every girls little nice guy I'm tired of fucking being nice it's always Fucking hits me. Nice guys do finish last so nah I'm not the nice guy anymore I'd rather be called a fuck boy. And also no I'm not gonna tell you who it is because it'll just start more drama so take your fucking irrelevant nosy ass somewhere it's need and ITS NOT FUCKING HER so hop out of my fucking business before I fuck up your anonymous life and fuck it up. Bye and good night cunt

Well just tell me 1 thing its not lilian?

I lost all feelings for her but yeah I still do think about her and wish it didn't end like this

How many times have you fucked gabby?

how many times have you mined your own fucking business, we've never done anything but kiss so fuck outta my business and we're not together
Liked by: Gabriella

Considering I'm her best friend that's not what happened. You belittled what you did to her. You didn't leave her because you felt bad, you left because your mom showed up and actually told you, what you were doing is hurting people. You left her in the mall crying her eyes out.

that's not at all what happened, yeah my mom showed up and yeah I left because my mom forced me to go home, lilian knew I didn't wanna leave her so stfu

How did u hurt lilian

it's really none of your business but pets just say I basically left her because I had feelings for someone else and I felt bad for being w her

You have hurt lilian before, why cant you forgive her like she forgave you

It was 2 years ago she should of dropped it and it wasn't anything like this and we we're a thing. you don't know shit fuck off

Stop denying that u like gabby n watch her be the next girl u have a thing with cuz u say u dont like her but u start to like everyone after a second of talking to them after u get out of a thing with someone else

that's really untrue 😂😂 I've only ACTUALLY had feelings for like 5 girls and no I wouldn't wanna be a thing w gabby anyway because that would put too much stress on her and she's already getting hate and all this bullshit just for fucking talking to me. so back the fuck out of my life and I can choose who my friends are without you assuming I'm gonna fuck them or date them
Liked by: Joleen Gabriella

u so do like gabby don't even try to hide it n that's so dumb since u just got out of having a thing with someone else

I never said I had feelings for her lmao, yeah I just got out of a thing w someone but that has nothing to do w anyone so just fuck off. I love gabby as a FRIEND big deal who doesn't love their friends


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