
maura aprilia

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pernah nangis sambil makan?

WKWKWKKW pernahhh jadi ceritanya abis diomelin nyokap, dimarahinnya lamaaaa bgt dari masak sampe w makan ga kelar-kelar, inget bgt waktu itu lg masak fettuccine carbonara. Tp AMAZINGLY the fettucine SLAPS kek SUPER ENAK tp tetep makannya sambil nangis karna dimarahin heheh

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kalo dibonceng motor ngadep kiri apa kanan

Jujur selama hidup belum pernah nyoba dibonceng duduk nyamping WKWK pankapan yak

Pernah gak kamu pas masak nasi lupa di cetrekin?

PERNAHH pas lg laper bgt trus udah kebayang makan nasi pulen panas pake sambel, taunya pas dicek..... 😭😭😭

Which one baca buku or nonton film?

Nonton filmmmm tp kadang suka kangen sm my old self yang sangat suka baca buku😞

Pernah jalan jalan sendirian gak?

One of my bucket list tp kayanya bakal susah soalnya gw penakut WKWK

What is your favorite motto or saying?

Not exactly a motto but one of the memorable lines from a movie I watched:
"Somehow everything comes with an expiry date."

pernah nyesel gasi cerita ke temen?

Pernah...biasanya nyesel cerita kalo responnya nyepelein atau kaya indifferent gitu...sometimes I just wanna hear that my feelings are valid and know that someone got my back

Tulis lirik lagu yang kamu sukai

"When we are young, we all want someone who we think is the one just to fit in"
-Teenage Fantasy by Jorja Smith
Liked by: Amar

Acara televisi apa yang paling kamu sukai?

Modern family is definitely my comfort show, tp HIMYM is my all time favorite
Liked by: Amar

Film apa yang lagi pengen kamu tonton di bioskop? Dan sama siapa pengen nontonnya?

Pengennnnnn bgt bgt bgt nonton black widow di bioskop...I'm the type of mcu fan who FIGHTS their way to watch marvel movies the first day they are released. BUTTTT i'm a mature and responsible being so I refrained myself going to public spaces and that includes cinema, so.....guess who haven't watched it yet😕
Liked by: Amar

1. film terakhir yang kalian nonton? 2. musik yg akhir" ini didengerin?

1. Hidden Figures, bagus! Ttg black women empowerment di era segregasi
2. Some Loona old tracks(yes very late and ashamed of it) and Mitski's Washing Machine Heart
Liked by: Amar

Film terburuk apa yang pernah kamu tonton seumur hidupmu?

SUMPAHHH waktu SMA pernah nonton film di HBO gw lupa judulnya apa tp kalo gasalah tentang mobil ajaib gt?? Cheesy bgt, predictable bgt(well theres nothing wrong for being predictable but this one movie execute it poorly), hasilnya bener2 gaada impact samsek wwkkkw
Liked by: Amar

paling gak suka kalo ditanya soal?

Cita-cita/pengen jadi apa/future plan. I don't even know what to eat for dinner and you expect me to predict something from the next 10 years??? Make it make sense
Liked by: Amar

What did you dream about last night?

Tumben bgt mimpi gw jelas, td malem mimpi ikut musical production gara2 abis nonton hsm the series trus yg ngajarin this one dosen gara2 siangnya abis ngobrol sama temen kuliah kalo dia unexpectedly ngajar kdti tahun ini🤔
Liked by: Amar

What are some things that make you really happy?

Jam kelas kosong ditemani doritos cheese(gatau masih ada apa ngga)
Liked by: Amar

What makes you laugh the most?

Cam from modern family especially that one episode when cam dkk went to a Vietnamese restaurant🥲
Liked by: Amar

team suka drama dulu baru idol apa team suka idol dulu baru drama?

Team suka variety show dulu baru idol

Which is the most extreme kind of sports?

Doing your assignments the day it have to be collected🤠been there done that but never again lol

Apa kata-kata favoritmu?

I just finished watching gravity falls and there's this one part near the end where dipper said he wanted to grow old together with mabel and it was so wholesome

2 lagu favorit?

There's this one song i discovered recently and it's THAT good that's why imma gatekeep this one because i just don't want anyone to ruin the music for me personally. Another favorite of mine these days is babooshka by kate bush

Apa pekerjaan yang paling membuat stres?

Belom kerja nih hehe. Jadi yg bikin stress cuma seputaran tugas kuliah terlebih sejak kuliah online makin susah buat ngerti materi😢

Apakah film terakhir yang kamu tonton yang benar-benar bagus?

HMMMM film terakhir yg bener2 bagus.....jujur belakangan ini lg jarang nontom film tp kalo harus pilih kayanya mulan yg cartoon, itu bener2 baru nonton wkwk(telat) dan menurut gw messagenya dapet bgt walaupun deliverynya sangat simple dan mungkin masih stereotypical(banget), masih relevant messagenya untuk jaman sekarang

judul novel apa yg kmu suka?

Series percy jackson and the olympians sama heroes of olympus wkwk basic af tp emang seseru itu

What qualities do you think are necessary to have a successful career path?

High sense of responsibility sih.......tanggung jawab sendiri kan luas bgt scopenya. Dengan seseorang tanggung jawab sama hidupnya sendiri dan people they love or care about, otomatis orang itu bakal berusaha sebaik-baiknya in everything they do dan hasilnya juga bakal berkualitas kalo menurutku
Liked by: Ardie Wijaya

Definisi kebahagian bagi kamu?

spending a rainy day alone in bed while watching movies or tv series and munching snacks. A regular day out with my girls. Waking up on a gloomy morning with my mom just chilling, not yelling at me for oversleeping. Eating at good restaurants with my family. Wow there's actually a lot of things to be grateful of in life!

5 actor kpop favorite?

I haven't watch a lot of k dramas/movies tp i have my top 3: gong yoo(gara2 goblin) , choi woo shik(gara2 the witch sama summer vacation) , song joong ki(gara2 sungkyunkwan scandal)

Who is your favorite fictional character?

Buanyak tp belakangan ini lg sgt smitten dengan zoro xixixi keren bgt emang member straw hat crew satu ini😔 skilled, loyal, and surprisingly stylish HAHA

What is the first thing you do after waking up?

Belakangan ini bangun pagi langsung minum kopi, kalo ngga pasti seharian bawaannya mau tidur lg wkwk

Acara televisi apa yang paling kamu sukai?

Acara tv terakhir yg gw suka bgt euphoria sih.... The whole show is an art, dari cast, plot, costume&makeup, soundtrack, every element works together nicely.
Liked by: Katherine Sung

3 hobi teratasmu

1. Drawing(I have an ig acc where i post my drawings, go to ig and search for @hellxyellx to see some trashy art of mine😜)
2. Watching movies/tv shows
3. Scrolling on tiktok/youtube/twitter


Language: English