Ask @maxN13

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you intentionally hurt her a lot, and what girl has meant a great deal to you....

I never intentionally hurt her wtf, I'm not a horrible person, I'd never do that you ignorant fuck

You know the answer to both those questions

actually I don't cause I'm not intentionally trying to hurt anyone so I'm confused

I'm down for that

I'm down for pretty much anything, but not meth, or anal, or actually there's quite a bit I wouldn't do....

We can own a fish together. Doesn't have to be too fancy, I'm thinking a goldfish??

Goldfish are boring, I want a nemo, and a shark,

Going to semi?

Probably not, I'm sick Af in bed and I have other commitments that night, sucks the life of the party won't even be there

I can't say because you know me and this is really weird for me to be saying especially over ask lol but just figure it out and go get her back before she completely moves on!!!!!

Um.... Text me? I am weirded out haha

I spent time around you two and I have never seen a connection like that between two people before, yes you had your problems so does everyone but I wanted to have a relationship like yours and now the perfect couple is not together :(

Who are you??

i thought you two were going to be together forever, i could see you getting back together with her in the future too

You can eh?


Language: English