
Max Newton

Ask @max_newton

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Are u and Lizzie McKibben close

Not really. We were in the same Spanish class last year and she was on the swim team my freshman year but we don't talk.

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Do callan and kaylee have somthing its messd up he is playing jules theyd be better together

Why you stressing homie? If Jules likes Callan she can say it herself otherwise don't worry bout it. We are all young adults, I'm pretty sure we can make our own decisions on who we like and tell them ourselves without the help of someone else.
Liked by: Jayne Callan Reese

Do Jayne and Devin still like eachother do you know

Not that I know of. As far as I'm concerned they'r just friends.

(Max) 8----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------) --- _ __ --__ 0: (devin) #bromance

#bromance #theresnothingreallygayaboutit

What kind of sports do you find attractive for girls to play

I really don't care. It would be fun for my gf to be on swim with me but that's only cause swim takes up a lot of my time during winter. Otherwise idk

I think he should talk to me not jayne I am better

Come off anon and say that. Otherwise all you are is just another faceless person on ask that Devin will never know. A relationship is more complicated than just liking the way someone looks. You have to know someone, and all you know about Devin is what he looks like and what questions he chose to answer. That's not much. Also hiding behind a keyboard professing your love for him and harassing his friends doesn't prove you are better than anyone in any way. If you want him to like you, you gotta make a change in the way your approaching this.
Liked by: Jayne Devin Huber

U tell devin to leave jayne alone & give me a chance :)

Nah I'm good. That's not really my problem. If you want Devin to give you a chance YOU gotta talk to him. He may be the homie but I in no way control who he dates or who he likes. Also a little word of advice. Trying to start a relationship on ask especially when your anonymous will get you no where.
Liked by: Jayne Devin Huber

Opinion on devin & jayne ?

Devins gotta do Devin. If he likes Jayne I will support him, if he doesn't I will support him. Either way, I don't think it's my business to decide wether or not they date.
Liked by: Jayne Devin Huber

Language: English