

Ask @maxkerle

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I really want to become closer friends with you! Youre such a nice guy and so attractive! But im too shy to start talking to you because im scared you wont want to talk to me :(

like 5 of my posts and ill inbox you xx
Liked by: Toby Kerle

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eww yuck! ! vashti isn't even perfect she's a disgusting cunt ! The only thing she has is shes nice and respectful to everyone and she's funny but she doesnt even have ANY looks! Ew she's not even a sprouter! Someone like Mesa perry is! She's so pretty and She's perfect like um u didn't even say her

Uhh alright firstly dont ever say that disgusting word again its foul and a turn off. secondly vashti to me is such a beautiful girl, reasons why I mention her in my favs and stuff is because she is so respectful and caring to those around her and for that I love her :)
Mesa seems really nice but ive hardly met her, ive heard of her but I cant say much about her sorry.
Please be a little bit more respectful xoxo

Probably a bad idea texting you. Your all 'popular' and I'm not.

I love talking to new people, pleasee :) x


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