
mbb ((:

Ask @mbandzoe

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fuck u mb is ugwi

please stop.. your getting nowhere here! say this to my face if you really think it. & watch your language.

so don't be saying that she's ugly because she has more heart than any one I know. and I can tell that who ever said that isn't even close to how pretty you are on the outside and in

thank you so much❤️

Who the hell is calling you "ugwi"?? first why don't you learn how to spell and second M.B. is the prettiest girl ever. no one can be compared to her ever because she pretty inside and out! she doesn't need make up to "look" pretty or to fake people out. she has natural Beauty inside and out. next Q

thanks so much (: ❤️ who is this?✌️

Tbh// your really pretty and cute and nice and funny and i am in your spanish class and i think i like u -anon :-) do u like me?

thanks. but i dont know who you are just text me sometime (:

Jerry.. she knows our secret. chic chic boom..'cjejsnsoa&:!:9/92!.@.@:@/0@

umm. should i be worried about your health anon? hahah

IM high af rn(: but i go to ur skool and ur hot af

okay lolol thanks but im not interested in ANYONE who is high..


Language: English