

Ask @meaxox

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See u just fucked up. How can u "love" maraya. U have been dating a couple weeks and u guys dont even know wverything sbout each other. Loving someone you are in a relationship with is saying u will marry them in that moment

we do love each other. this isnt some bullshit phase. yeah, we havent known each other that long but it seems like we have known each other for our whole entire lives. we both wish we would have come into each others lives sooner. we may not know every little goddamn thing about each other but thats the best part about loving someone. you always get to learn more and more of your partner as you move forward into a relationship. she means a whole fucking lot to me and just in a matter of that short amount of time kind of says something. im sorry but when you feel this way for once, you will wish you never mocked this kind of romance. no shit we argue. but the only good thing about us arguing with each other is that we will always come back and say sorry which most couples, its kind of hard to do. i love her with everything i have. but yes, if we last, there will be a future for us. one that involves marriage and kids. i mean, who doesnt want that with the one they love? you may call me crazy because i love her so much but guess what? love is crazy. it makes you do things you never thought you would do. that what makes love stand out from all other emotions. but yes, i do love her. yes i hope to marry her one day. no, we dont know everything about each other. we love each other for who we are. who we really are. im sorry that doesnt make sense to you. find a soulmate. then judge us.

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youre gonna hate your science teacher this year, omg. she's on her period 24/7 (x BUT YOU'LL LOVE AHERN OMG SHE LETS YOU DO WHATEVER YOU WANT.

All the science teachers piss me off lol
Liked by: Robin Brueck

Language: English