
Megan Combs

Ask @megan9889

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If you could change your skin color to anything outside of the natural palette of skin colors, what color would you choose?

Blue! I could be a fricken avatar
Liked by: toni lorene

If I had been killed, would you be happy??

Um who is this, and no I definitely wouldn't be happy about someone dieing!

What do you expect in 2014?

For my mood to be happier, my relationship to be stronger, my grandma to be healthier, and my family to be happier I hope
Liked by: toni lorene

Thoughts on brendon Kobylack ?

He's hilarious and a great friend but some stuff happened between us so we don't talk as much, but I wish we still did.

What is your attitude to smoking?

Makes your teeth yellow, your breath smell horrible, your house smell like crap, and really hurts when you get smoke ash in your eyes!

Awhh what is wrong with your grandma Megan?:(

ToniHuddleston3’s Profile Phototoni lorene
She had a hernia and something wrong with her intestines, im so thankful that they caught it though because the doctor said she would of been dead in a week of they hadn't
Liked by: toni lorene


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