
Megan Baily

Ask @megan_baily

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I was just asking because I didn't want to try talking to her if she's already talking to someone

Well who are you

Have you ever been heartbroken? And I don't mean getting hurt slightly because of something a guy did. I mean true, horrible heartbreak and pain after losing someone that was your entire world, kinda going through that right now and I'm not coping at all, I just find myself asking people for advice

Madison Mizell
Nope never felt like that before... Just move on is what I would say

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! 🎄🎅🎁 I hope everyone has a wonderful day with the ones you love ❤️

Thanks!! Even though I'm just now answering tgis😁😁

that's what I thought. maybe next time you corner people to make them tell you info, be a little more discreet.. thanks hun

When did I corner someone for information?

What's childish is that you have an ask.fm that you currently use.. That was so middle school and you ended up deleting yours because of "bullying" but it's only because people wanted to state how they actually feel about you.

Oh man, keep it coming, I'm sure there is more you would like to say so keep going... Cause I care oh so much what you think and would love to hear more

that's complete bull shit. you talk about everyone and you know it, you're always digging about other people to know what they're doing/about their horse, etc. you spread rumors about anyone you see as competition. how childish

😂😂😂😂wtf no... And I'm not the childish one, if you have to say this stuff on here and not actually text me about it that's pretty childish

name every person in your 4h club, or who you compete against and I guarantee you've talked shit about them. I'm surprised more people haven't called you out on it yet.

😂😂😂 first off I'm not taking orders from you... And if I "talk shit", then for sure a lot of other people do too, I just don't care what people think or say about me so... Move on

I meant **live because that's how you spend your whole life. talking shit behind everyone's backs.

Oh yeah for sure.... But no seriously I don't care about other people's information, but when I'm asked a question I know the answer to, I most likely will answer it (unless I'm told not too)... And if I do apparently "gossip" maybe those people shouldn't do it either, advice for the day...

you say that it's his information and not yours to tell, etc. but when it comes to anything else in life you live to gossip gossip gossip don't you

*love and no I don't lol
Liked by: Jared Rapp

Why is it such a damn secret?

Bro chill, if he doesn't want to make it public then he doesn't want to make it public, so F off...

Shit that was so intense, but you speak true words lol

Personal experiences Does that to a person I guess 😂

Do u think that once you date someone, u will always have feelings for them?

No, the longer you don't have them in your life the easier each day will get and then one day you will just forget their name and not even remember... Just remember little fishy, time heals everything 😊

Do u ever let other people ride ur horse because.. I wanna ride him

Ummm I have let Lexi ride him before...

Seriously why are people talking about other people so much on ur page

Cause I got asked questions about those people?


Language: English