
Megan Dickinson

prettiest girls in each year?

year 7-lydia,eloise,bethan,fflur cant think?
year 8-ella,catherine,caitlin,india,catrin,anna j,fay,elin,bethan
year 9-nat,paige,enya,nia,ellie,annie,jess,lowri,tia there's loads
year 10- omg erin,ellie,becca,hannah,elisia,olivia,megan,erin,anghy,haf,lauren so many more.
year 11-alaw,miriam,zoe,esme,elin,georgia,michaela,emily loads more
year 12-zoe,elen,nia,carys cant think
year 13- cant think

Latest answers from Megan Dickinson

are you going on holiday soon?

well i came back from tenerife like a week ago but im going to italy on july 13th with the school :D cant wait

opinions on each of your best friends.,?

Erin-she's my twin literally, she's gorgeous, so funny We're always laughing when we're together love her so much! I can't wait for Italy with her!
Ellie-my oldest friend, I don't know what I'd do without her, she's beautiful, she so funny to and she's my gingee, love her!
Becca-she's beautiful, she's always smiling, and so funny,known her since like forever!
Hannah-she's just really smelly ;) nah she's lovely, I'm always laughing when I'm with her, she's so pretty and I trust her with everything

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