

Ask @megandosh

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I was sent a link to hear and told to give you hate and they said some really mean things tbh i dont know you and have never spoken to you before so i don't see why anyone would give "hate" to someone they don't know its horrible but i think its nice how you are trying to help people with advice

Aw thanks you it what i do im going thogh alot anyway so it nice to have someone who u may relate to and can talk to for help and that all im good at helping so thanks for not hateing means alot xox:) stay strong

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If you had 3 wishes what would they be and why?

Well to be faire there two side
I could say
1 To be skinny so i fit in more
2 A normal life where im not depressed self harm or wanting to die
3 To bring my friends and famiy back what i losted
But all i want know is to die in peace and for everyone to forget about me and live a normally life without me cause it be better and i wont sufferand if everyone forgets about me then no one with be upset :( xox

One thing your scared off? Why?

Dieing alone ,because i would want my family there but at the same time i woud rather die alone because i get to think of my life and to be fare if im the one who kills myself i wouldnt want famiy there beacuse then it woud upset me more and there be more upset but if it an accident then i woud want them there in my last moments butim scared thoghe causei have a feeling that it mit get back to that point andi do it andi dont want to die alone.
Liked by: AndrejLAD

But it's also about being popular:LlLl

It dont matter if you popular.
Truefuly now i gone thogh so much in 2 year i losed everyone in school. Im on my own. No firends get bulled like hell threated to be beat up. I hate school. Im not populare but in my openon if you popular you get into more shit that ever with boy, liveing up to stands,fights,brakeing the law it not worth going thoght all that just to be popular. I tired it brakeing the law get in to a lot of troble with boy just to be populare cause i thought i was the odd one out but i was me just people was jellouse of what i had but i never seen it .
If you got one good frirend say with him/her you be okay it not alway be about populare sometime people just are not ment to be all that. Just work hard keep your head down you now the truth no one eles dose. Stick with people you now and you be fine
stay strong beautiful <3 x :)

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Liked by: Fatima Bah Jordan

Okay well i feel really left out at school and i want to move schools but my dad wont let me? I dont what todo also they always talk behind my back, and brag about themselves all the time. It's knowing what to do!

Well you dad right moveing school many seem good but in every school no matter where it is your alway going to find people will do it. You not alone loads of kid go thogh it i did but i put a stop to it because it was wreaking my life it go on now but not as bad. Have you got one good firend? If so stay with him/her ignore what people say behind your back cause they dont now nothing about you only you now the truth about you.
Best thing to do is ignore what people say YOU now the truth.You alway get brag in school there just try to show of half the time it bull shit not true. If you got one friend hang with him/her cause they alway back you up if there a good friend.
Stay strong beautiful <3 :) x
Liked by: Jordan

only doing 1,, when was the last time yu were angry, what happended

it was 3 days ago
I was angry with my mom cause me had a row as normaly and i punch the wall very hard and i hurt my wirst bit stupied but yer

At school i try to be the kindest most caring girl i know loads of people say that but i am being 100% honest but there is this one popular girl that is always mean to me e.g i picked up some books for her and i wasnt that quick doing it so she says "your a twat" how can i make this stop? we r 14

We all have girl like that in school because there popular that dont care how they treat other. No matter how kind you are or what you do. You sound so kind and dont desever to be walked over like this. If you can try not to be kind to her in may sound nastey but just igron her dont do anything she wants. If you cant then just be trueful with her and tell that your rying you harders because she popular dont make her the queen of sheber. If you cant ignor her or cant stand up to her tell someone of a higher athorotey what can help you.
Your to kind and sweet to be used as a door mat.
Stay strong beautiful <3 x :) x

Okay thanks will try that when ever I can haha and don't worry I won't give up, I'd be nothing without nicole :) xx

caitlin baker!!!
Anytime i'm alway her not going any where. Aw you two sound so sweet hope thing work out :) x
Liked by: AndrejLAD

Hi me again and I know why she hates me that much is obvious and I've tried to apologise and get her to like me but she just ignores me she really does hate me but her daughter is the love of my life :'( x

caitlin baker!!!
Ow okay well never give up on love i know that.Try get her in to a room and sit a talk. Talking solves aot of problems. Tell her how much her daughter mean to you and just try and sort the problem out.
:) stay strong x
Liked by: AndrejLAD Alex C-W

I've been with this girl for 7 months and I really love her with all my heart I know I want to spend the rest of my life with her and we're engaged I know your only young but I need your advice... Her mum hates me and I know she won't except us marrying what should I do?(Btw I'm a lesbian)x

caitlin baker!!!
It okay to be lesbian i dont juged
Okay you sound like you really love her so have you tried talking to her mom? Maybe try and find out why she hates you she probley dont hate you but just diagress maybe. But dont give up on your girl if you happy. Try talking to her mom first and ask her why she she hates you and try and find away to sort it becouse you are in love with her daughter and you geting marred and that your choice
Stay strong thing will get etter :) x
Liked by: B

how can you help people?

Many ways you can help people.
. Advise them on what mit be best
. Give them someone to talk to
. Show them there are people who care and want to help
. Help them with problem try and find the best way to help a person cope
.Make sure they going to be around longer and show them hope
I been thoght most thing and i now what it like and i want to help anyone who i can couse life worth liveing and sometimes talking to peope can help and i will do everything to make sure there okay and to show there are people who care and dont juged couse we ALL the same just a bit different in someways.

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