
Meg Earl ❤️

Ask @meggearl

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What do you think people think of you?

Some people call me a whore and a chav then...
Others say I'm lovely and funny so erm yeh

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Hey Beautiful! If you like 30 of my questions, I will like 90 of yours ! If you like 60 of my questions, I'll like 180 of yours ! By the way stay perfect ! #Followed <3 xx

Nick de Franck
Nah your all right ;)

You are allowed one beverage for the rest of your life. What would you choose?

Water you can grow trees with it too

If you were a farmer, what would you grow?

No I'd grow trees so I could build a tree house :)
Cabbage is nasty

What is your opinion about same gender relationships?

I think it's the same don't need an opinion it's exactly the same as a normal relationship, why do people need to have an opinion? Hmm

Who is your most hated celebrity?

In I'm a celeb yea? That Matt dude does my head in he needs to shut up he's a right bell end

Hey like 75 of my answers for 75 back? 100 Likes for a gift. I've been following you for a while now can you follow back gorgeous. Follow/Add me on Facebook and Twitter, Links are in my bio

Omg yea okai ha ill like 100 of your answers for a gift;) cheers :0 xxx

whoever this is giving meg hate, id shut the fuck up if I were you you sick twats. Back the fuck off and leave her alone because I will find out who you are and im not gonna be happy. Find something better to do with your time instead of making someone feel shit about them selves and upset!

Thank you baby u sexy hoe ;) xxxx I'd watch out dickhead she's not happy
Liked by: sophie

u dont know what u done thats the point! u have to be centre attention all the time! treat people with more respect


why do u just use people for ur own entertainment?, and then treat them like shit. u r really harsh to me tbh aswell dont know why people like u, u allways youst to be nice but then call me insults elsewhere! no respect for anyone but ur self tbh

Oh well then, bitch please I don't know what iv done mate so yano got sommit to say at it to my face

what makes u be so negative all the time? when ur like the fitist in the school. uve got a great smile nice figure and a nice ass id be happy if i was u. plus ur hair is amazing. blondes r the best

Ummm I'm berry sorry, pop up plz

What's the best way to spend $1,000,000?

Buy a ticket to America for 4 weeks in a massive house/villa then go to the biggest mall and buy loads of designer clothes :*

If there is one thing that you could change about the past, what would that be?

Moving to droitwich, iv turned into such a bitch :0

its so obvious u fancy jordan. u allways say u dont but its just so obvious

And it's just so obviouse ur a dick head hahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahah I should be a comedian eh ?


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