

Ask @megggbillie

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Who do you buy presents for for Christmas?

I gave something small to the people in my group at school when we went out for dinner and I buy presents for my family and also for some other friends

what's your favourite quote?

"I find it incredibly sad and disgusting when people can remove happiness and try discourage another human being, but are allowed to move on with their life with the best times while they try take that from another human."
I've been asked this before but this is different obviously

Dislike/hate anything?

Anyone or anything?
Cause there's a few people I dislike
But also I dislike things? Hahahaha kinda hard to answer

plans for this weekend

Answering it late oh well
Friday- Ashleigh and I went to mine after school, then we went to English park and I played two games of football(during them Nicole and Brit showed up) and then we went back to mine and ate pizza for tea then went to north city. Then drove to tai tapu for a bonfire with the youth which was awesome and had funny parts during it! Then we went back to Brits and stayed there
Saturday-woke up at Brits and talked for a bit, had breakfast then Nicole's mum and dad picked me and Nicole up from Brits which was a good night then I got dropped at Emily's, we got everything ready then went to Paula's house to get everybody ready(well Em got everyone ready) and did all the face paint/makeup and I just chilled most of the day whilst Em was going face paint. Went to the park for a Halloween thing with Em and Sarah and then got back to the house to get dressed and additional makeup then went trick or treating with Em Sarah and the young ones which was pretty goooood, then got back to ems and got picked up and went home
Sunday-worked for dad until 6pm 😎 now gonna probably shower then watch TVD

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Happy Halloween! What are you dressing up as? PAP!

A 'scarier' version of Alice from Alice in wonderland 👻
I would post a photo but I'm on my laptop and my phone has all the photos so need to transfers those :)

10,11,24,28,40,55,81,95,105,146,148 x

10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Probably Jess
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? "I'll have a look at all my costumes and send you photos after tea okay!" what i basically said to Emily
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? Sleeping ahahahahaha I don't have a fully daily routine
28. Who are you most comfortable around? My family, Jess, Emily, drama class and squad at school
40. What do you want to do after high school? Go to either CPIT or uni to then go through to being a social worker
55. Favourite blog? Emily's journals from when she was younger, best things (don't really know any blogs)
81. Favourite tv show? I have many shows I like: Pretty little liars, the vampire diaries, the fosters, awkward, faking it
95. Last movie you watched? Insurgent I think idk
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? Been to a bonfire with youth twice
146. Was today a good day? Very gooooood
148. What’s your favourite quote? one of my favourites is: so many years of education yet nobody ever taught us how to love ourselves and why its so important.

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Liked by: Em

this anon is looking for a fight don't worry meg all the people that matter know that you're great and this anon is just a dumbass hiding behind a screen 💌

Thank you see my friends actually understand, but anons know nothing ❤️❤️

Sooo like others wont find it annoying when you're talking things behind their backs? oh okay

mm if only what you were saying wasn't bullshit. It's a shame it is :) just stop, message me or go away, because you're not going to bother telling me who, which is a shame since I'd like to know who's been saying shit but hey whatever anon you're not helping anything and haven't been ever since you sent me the first message, so just leave it, like you said you were going to okay


anon you had to talk to someone to find out about the situation so you didn't know anything. who told you about it anyway? because it's annoying someone would talk behind my back lol

yeah well now im trying to leave it alright

obviously you knew nothing this whole time, so you shouldn't have said anything :) but okay then

hang on!! I didnt say you send yourself questions or that youre annoying and ugly!

yes you did you told me to stop sending my self questions and I said I don't
Then you sent some more and sent in one question about being ugly and annoying
look down

well I'm sorry but I couldnt help myself but to have a go because

You went from saying I send myself questions then saying I'm annoying and ugly then saying that I got upset about an achieved (which I clarified with you what actually happened start of LAST term) then you say I think I'm better then myself which is untrue then you say you had to have a go, it all wasn't needed tbh

Someones mad!

You didn't know the whole story, so I told you. Problem would've been resolved straight away if you had just mailed me and just got straight to the point.

Its alright just be greatfull that you passed ok

I am? At the time (like at the start of last term might I mention) I was just confused but I've been told now what happened and I'm done explaining so you leave it, okay anon? Since you don't seem to want to mail me. Would've solved the problem much faster if you had just saying.

Omfg you think your so much better than everyone else wtf

How do I think I'm better then everyone? I do not. If you're relating this to the fact I got annoyed over an achieved then you don't know me at all. Yes getting that achieved did get on my nerves and that's because I did exactly what the teacher said but since I different teacher marked it they had different expectations for what the class needed to do, a lot of people I found out later didn't get the mark as they had hoped and a lot of people were quite confused about it. But I've moved on from that and I understand where that teacher is coming from now because I got it explained to me. You have no right to be such an ass over ask.fm when you don't know the full story. I do not think I'm better then everyone, it's the complete opposite. I'm sick of people thinking that I'm pathetic for becoming upset about an achieved, that was my first one and I got confused about it that was why I was a tad annoyed but you do not the facts and its sad to think that this could be someone that freaking knows me and is someone I've talked to about this because I would've thought I could talk to you, but guess not ha. I'm a hard worker, my parents know that and so do my friends, so don't say I think I'm better then everyone, cause you're so wrong. Mail me or just go away because I'm sick of people thinking they can go behind my back and tell people that they think it's stupid for me to be upset about a grade, because honestly it's no ones business but my own.

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Liked by: Jess♡

It's a joke Ahahah U G L Y YOU AINT GO NO ALIBI your annoying

Did you just seriously quote a song? Oh how creative. I'm sorry but if you can't message me this I really don't give two shits what an anon says about me, it's quite sad you feel the need to send me stupid shit on ask.fm it really is.

Hahaha your so full of yourself it's not even funny

If only you'd just mail me your opinion of me and stop sending me things on ask
I'm not full of myself

Is there a story behind your profile picture? What is it?

I thought my hair finally looked decent that day and I was leaving the house so I decided to take a few selfies & that was one

Thoughts, meggg ur fav yr 11 sorry noah, such a g friend love u v much, such a wee cutie naw and such a sweet heart xx

Because of the Noah comment I'm taking a wild guess to this being Keri? 😂 thank you!! love you very much, hang soon xx
Liked by: Keri


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