
Kayelenn Palabrica

Ask @meixxfleur

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Basta jullian ako first name. Hahaahhaahaha

Jul ba. Tc ka? M.E. imong course? The only Jullian I know is a Homecillo. What are you?

Si jullian ko pero di ko homie. Kinsa manas homie uy

Huh? Pero nickname man niya kay homie omg im confused

Kinsa na siya? Imo nang bago? Omg ma guol nas j****

Migo mana nakos Jullian hahahaha. Wa koy bag'o oy. Ayayyy, kinsa ni baaa

Wow omg hihi bitaw bitaw. Aww sige. Kinsa kaha ko noh

I don't know with you. But I think you're Jullian Jacob Fulgencio Homecillo, yes?

Kinsa ang gwapo nimo na friend????

Gwapo man tanan akong friends kay God created man and woman beautifully


Kinsa man ka? Omg

If you won an Oscar, where in your home would you place it?

In the foyer para it's the first thing everyone sees ??

What do you want to do before dying?

Swim with dolphins, skydive, do something I haven't done before haha but above all, make sure everyone I love is happy and okay before I go.

Who is the bravest person you know?

My dad bc even in his final hours, he still was the bravest and he still is. Miss you Papam ?

Would you rather never have internet access again or never be allowed board an airplane again?

Never be allowed board an airplane again bc I can always ride a car, a bus, a boat, a submarine and oh, a motherlovin HELICOPTER huehue

Who do you think should be the next president?

Me because Selena Gomez once said in a song and I quote, "Who says you're not star potential? WHO SAYS YOU'RE NOT PRESIDENTIAL? Who says you can't be in movies? Listen to me. Listen to me." ??????????????

How much money do you need to feel rich?


Who do you think asked your last anonymous question?

I literally have no clue. Could be anyone I know but I would never know that ?

What's your morning routine?

Wake up. Snooze alarm. Sleep again. Wake up. Turn off alarm. Sleep again. Until I realize, I slept too much and prepare myself Flash style. Regret it. Do it all over again the next morning heh ?

Where do you get your best ideas?

this might shock you but i get ideas from my brain ? hahahajk, i think the best ideas come from both your mind and heart ??

did they said hi to you or kamo una ni tagad nila?

i'm not sure how it happened bitaw pero they're super friendly man, if kaila sila nimo then mutagad ka una kay mutagad raman sad sila nimo hehe

If you had to dye your hair and keep the color for the next five years, what color would you choose?

Ombré - ash brown to pastel pink heh ?


Language: English